◈Something That We're Not◈

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Learning to accept yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself..

pretending to be what you aren't just to mask imperfections, isn't the right way to go if you want to make it in life. having Self Love and pride allows you to give it off to other's...

Michael a 19 year old boy living in the middle east of California, steadily learns this lesson of self acceptance. And he will take you on his journey..

~"I rather fail at originality then succeed in imitation "

                               -Michael Jackson~ 

Hey guys I wanted to post this little preview of my new story 'Something That We're Not',  I wanted to be different by writing a story of a different era, this one is Off The Wall era.  I like this era because it was quite a vulnerable era for the real Michael Jackson, he was going through a lot.  from getting use to his puberty stage (acne, voice change, etc..) plus starting up his new Solo career it was a definite state of vulnerability. Michael had problems loving himself truly... in a way that he could look in the mirror and like what he see's and with this story I hope I can capture that very emotion he had.

Now enough with rambling I will try to have. chapter one out soon!!  in the mean time I Love You guys and thank-you

p.s.  please be sure to check out my story 'He Calls Me Harmony' It's my baby next to my book series 'A Million Way's To Love You'

ok I'm done please vote and comment and let me know if I should do this story or not.. thank-you!


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