Omg did I cry!!! I was watching this youtuber OK, and I found this video that he reacted to and I was tearing up. I just had to share this.
It's amazing u have to watch this. I think this happend last year, idk. But I pray for him. I also pray for others who lost their mom.And if u did I hope this makes u feel better. U never know when your gonna lose someone. So make the best of it. Tell her or him that u love them.
It will mean so much to them. My brother is hurting. Idk whats going on. I listend to him on my mom on the phone so I only know a little.
But I'm not gonna share all of it. It's just I'm scared that he might die, idk if what he has is serious or not, but if it is I'm gonna chairsh any phone call or face time we have together.
I can't really see him in person, soo, yeah that sucks. But I pray that he's OK. And this song made me cry. Comment if it made u cry.
Guess that's it. Byeeeeeee
My diary
Short Storywell this isn't really a story. it's a diary. it will show all the bad things that happend in my life and all the good things. some will be out of the blue.