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   New year,new style of writing yay!
      America's top youtuber is coming back to Seoul , South Korea! Will the fans be ready for this?

  Agahagagg!!!!!! Mark Taun is coming!!!! I'm so excited!!

Yay!!!! Its been awhile since I've seen the guy!

That dude should've just stay put! We're a calm city so far besides the 'pretty boys' that cause a commotion!

    So,alot of fans are excited and some are not. Well I know I am for sure ! I always love new visitors that are celebrities! Wellp that's it for GotKpop news! See you next week!

  Mark shut off the T.V in annoyance. He just wanted a peaceful afternoon,playing games and doing a live video but no. He had to just lay back and do nothing .

(A/n: Ayyeeeeeeee Markson ;) I'm starting this early so I can do a double update tomorrow ..... Anyways Happy new year! And if you have seen Flower boy next door this book is similar like it. I kind of got inspired to put got7 in it instead of the original characters XD hope you enjoy it so far ~~~ PS,idk why the news had to ruin Mark's day tbh,I think I'm just making him that character lmao,wellp bye! ~Koalafluff )


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