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   Jackson's P.O.V
When I took out the order the red head kept on staring at me. "Sirrrr,your order is here." I gave it to him and took off. I am a huge fanboy of the youtuber . He's my idol,and I've caught his attention !!! "Hey! Youngjae ! Guess who I just saw!!!"
   I started jumping up and down. "Who?" "Your supposed to guess !"
"Okaaayyy,is it that Mark guy you won't shut up about?"
"YASSSS!!!!" I started jumping up and down again. "Well,I've never sent he 'sexy and wild Jackson Wang' pass up an opportunity like that."
I stared at him and relistation hit me like a truck,I need to meet him! I ran out of the back and tried to find home but he's not here,I'm trying to find him,I've finally spotted him outside and started to run towards him.
(A/n : yeeeee well,I may end up just doing a triple update today? Idk????? Sibssjajana this part were I stopped tho XD wellp I mat or not be active tomorrow coz of school,and also the rest of the week coz I have swimming and Basketball practice after school and their back to back so I won't be home until 6:30 pm ish. And on top of that I would have home work,wellp anwayysss I hope you've had a good winter break!

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