Chapter 1- The announcement

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Pink diamond, the fairest of all four, was my diamond. My only diamond. Everyday I would serve her, compliment her, follow all of her orders. She was a great leader she was caring towards me and her subjects. She rarely ever got angry like the other diamonds, she was just perfect. But all of that changed.

I am a pearl, pink diamond's head servant bound to do anything for her. And today I was sent to collect all of the quartz gems because my diamond had said we were going to create a new colony on this new planet I have never heard of before. So I went off to the main courtyard of the hub and saw a group of Jaspers. I walked up to them and in the most firm voice I mustered "Pink diamond needs all of you to come to the main hall for important information"

One of them made an extremely obvious snicker and laughed. She stood up and shoved me out of the way and I fell to the ground I fell with a loud thud. She laughed and walked towards the main hall with the other jaspers laughing along with her. I thought to myself "what jerks" but I couldn't say anything out loud because I would be poofed before I could say 'my diamond'. That's the problem with being a pearl, no one ever takes you seriously. But you can't ever do anything because you'll be shattered in a second. 

After I got off the ground I went down into the quartz chambers and called all the amethysts which are an even more rowdy bunch, yet they try their best to be polite (they aren't very good at it) and they all went off to talk to my diamond. 

When all the quartzes were upstairs, I made my way to the main hall, the room where my diamond was. I stood next to her looking on at all the warrior gems that looked ready to kill. My diamond stood up, she towered over us with her pink studded boots and her gem shimmering in the lights. Her voice was beautiful yet firm. "Attention Quartzes!" She boomed. They all stood at attention and saluted her. She flipped her mane of hair out of her face. "Today we will be going to build a new colony, on a new planet called earth." She began. "We will be in partnership with Blue diamond she will take half the earth and I will take the other half." "This will have some slight difficulties, that you will surely be able to get past. There are other life forms on this planet who may get in our way. That's why I need you to come to earth." The amethysts murmured in curiosity, they probably wondered what these life forms were like. "And you, peridots" she said as I looked over to at the corner not noticing they were there. She continued " you already know what to do grab the extraction drills and start up the ships." "As for you pearl," I sort of jumped. "Get our ship started." "Yes my diamond" I bowed and ran off.

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