Chapter 10

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Before Chapter 10 begins, I wanted to say that I am going to do Bloopers right after I finish House of Murders, it's going to teaser of making the scenes in both Game of Sinister and House of Murders. I know that horror stories are full terror, gore, and sometimes death, I want to make you laugh. Love you all and thank you for your support!

Taegan gulped while Laila was running towards his car with a chain saw.

"Ash looked more crazy than her." Taegan mumbles. Laila was ten seconds away from Taegan's vehicle. Taegan press the lock button on the car.

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5." Taegan floors it making the rubber tires cry and smoke before charging at Laila. Laila stopped while raising the chainsaw high above the air.

"Looks like, I got to duck!" Taegan mumble while putting his hands upon his head and bending down under the wheel.

He felt a heavy pressure on impact. The chain saw shattered the window glass while being thrown into the back seat. Then he felt the car going under a major bump like he ran something over. It happened in a few long seconds. Taegan slammed his breaks and shuts the chain saw down before it destroys the back seat.

Taegan got out of the car and turned around. He saw Laila's body now disfigured and her head looked like burst. He turned away quickly as he saw Laila's brain smeared all over middle of the road. He then turned back and smiled. "Good thing you didn't have insurance, b*tch!" Taegan laughs.

Taegan hops back into his car then drives back to the house.


"You're welcome, Taegan." Ash said before the lights went out. "What the?"

Ash went outside to see all lights are off in the house.

"The power went out." Alex explains. "I will check the power source outside."

Alex walks outside to the back of his house to see night has arisen. "Freaking creepy." Alex shrugs while he opens the light source. He saw that all the switches had been switched off. "This is getting annoying." Alex said while turning them back on. He shut it then locked it.

He turned around as he saw a tall shadow guy blocking him from returning back into the house. He looked up to see his eyes were black as a hungry spider.

"O' my, what the hell happened to you?" Alex asks freaked out.

The male didn't say anything. He slowly vanishes into thin air. Alex blinked before dashing back into the house. Joseph and Ash stared at Alex worried.

"Alex, are you okay?" Joseph asks.

Alex ran into the bathroom within the hallway where Melody didn't vomit in. He washed his face with warm water. Then he stare at himself in the mirror. It wasn't his own, he saw Jamie in the mirror. She didn't look like her old self. Her eyes were bloodshot with dark bags under them. Her face was pale and she was staring straight at Alex with an angry look.

"Hhaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" Alex screams before running out the bathroom. Then the mirror shattered as he left with Jamie crawling out of it. He looked back that to see Jamie with bloody cuts and gashes.

Joseph and Ash stops right into his tracks. "Alex, what the heck is going on?" Joseph demaded.

"Alex....your eyes..."Ash said with a worried look upon her face. "They are turning black."

"Don't mind about me, just get your friend, Jamie b*tch, to stop chasing me!" Alex demanded.

"Grrrraaaahhhh!" They all looked behind him to see Jamie growling and slowly walking towards him.

"Looks like Jamie doesn't have much time left before she's dead." Ash said.

Taegan bursts opens the door. Joseph and Ash looked at him.

"Ash, are they all here?" Taegan asks. "And Ash around your eyes and neck are going shady again."

"Sh*t!" Ash grunts. "I don't have much time."

"Ahhhhh!" Ash turned around to see Alex stabbed the back of Joseph's neck. Joseph let out a bloody scream and coughing up before collapsing to the floor.

"Taegan, you're are the non-possessed one." Ash says. "Take this." Ash gives him her phone. "You're our only hope. Keep that safe otherwise we are trapped like this forever."

"Ash, I don't know how to work this." Taegan begans to tear up.

"Every decision you choose would be written in the phone. Once it's complete, they will be sealed." Ash replies. "Now, take the attic key and lock yourself up there until the damage is done."

"Ash, you know the plot from beginning to end." Said Taegan. "What's my fate?"

Ash's neck begans to twitch. "She ain't going to tell you now because I am going to end your fate in violent ways!" She growls.

"Oh sh*t!" Taegan ran towards the attic while they chased him. He opens the attic and moves his body up there. He quickly slammed the attic door. He locked it. Taegan grabbed some of boxes to barricade the attic door.

"Oh no!" Taegan puts his palms in his hands and begins to cry. "I'm stuck up here." He was correct. No way in and no way out. He is either going rot up there or his so called "friends" would break through the covered and barricaded attic door then end him.

Poor Taegan....

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