Chapter 3

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 Yixing could've swore that there was an extraterrestrial being controlling his emotions because  he's never felt so uncomfortable in his entire life

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Yixing could've swore that there was an extraterrestrial being controlling his emotions because he's never felt so uncomfortable in his entire life.

He ambled towards his brown sofa and face planted straight into the cushions.

What the actual fuck Zhang Yixing.

The brunette remained on the couch for 10 minutes to remove the embarrassment that dwelled on his mind; the events playing in his head like a movie.

Try to be more friendly, he reminded himself. We'll get along eventually, right?

His fingers reached inside his pocket and he pulled out his phone. Maybe I should call Chanyeol and apologize for earlier. He scrolled through his contacts and tapped on the number entitled, "Chanyeolie/ Yoda."

"Xing-Ge! I demand an explanation! Now!" Yixing winced and distanced his ear from his phone.

"Chanyeol-ah, sorry for earlier, but I just felt the most embarrassing and awkward atmosphere I have experienced and I don't know what to do." He groaned into the phone receiver.

Chanyeol's tone immediately switched from demanding to comforting, "What happened?"

The elder boy took in a deep breath, "I- He- ImetSehunbutitheatmospherewassoawkwardandeverythingsoundedforced-."

Yixing could practically feel Chanyeol's confusion radiating through his phone. "Wait, what? Slow down I can't understand what you're saying."

The brunette repeated what he tried to convey, "I didn't know Sehun was coming today and when he did the atmosphere was so awkward."

There was a brief moment of silence before Chanyeol's laughter filled it. "Chanyeol! Stop laughing! It was so embarrassing.. Everything sounded forced and Sehun was so intimidating. He also seems so serious, it makes the atmosphere awkward.."

"Holy crap, I'm crying." Chanyeol's words were breathy and his voice was echoing with laughter.

"Chanyeol-ah," Yixing pleaded, "Please help me with this."

"Just give it sometime, he'll open up to you eventually!"

He sighed in utter defeat, "Fine. I'll talk to you later."

"Tell me how it goes~," Chanyeol sing-songed.

He hung up the phone and ran a hand through his hair, sighing once more. He let the silence fill his thoughts of, "what to do to make Sehun open up."


Sehun opened the door half an hour later and the Chinese could already feel his hands become clammy.

"Oh..Sehun." Wow great way to start a conversation Yixing.

But much to his surprise, the corners of the other boy's lips curled upward and his eyes were in crescents. His hand met his mouth, as if he was suppressing a grin.

Sitting on the Fence |〈LayHun/SeXing〉Where stories live. Discover now