It kills.

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I was doing just fine before I met you. I knew how to be happy without anyone  being the reason behind it. But then, you walked in. You seemed to make me really live, adding one more reason in my reason to-smile list. As each day passed, with butterflies in my stomach, I shifted your name a step higher. Higher, higher and soon it was on top. Other reasons left as you became my one and only priority. And, one fine day, you left. Taking away all my reasons to smile. Now I barely smile. But when I do, it's halfway in tears remembering how you used to text from miles away, *wipes your tears*. And then, I cry harder. Every tiny piece of me breaks into powder. And then I remember how you used to hold me when I felt broken. Oh, and again, I cry harder. My soul breaks into pieces that fly places away from me. I can't get them back. And then, I cry harder as I remember how you joined my soul back together. This broken heart, this broken soul, these tears. Everything. I swear, everything reminds me of you. You and only you. Because people were right: You were a drug and I knew addiction kills.

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