How In The World Did Donald Trump Win The Election?!?!!

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If you don't know already.. IM FROM 'MERICA.

hehe.  Gets me every time.

Anywhooo, I'm from good 'ole Texas where we got sum horses, cow and THE BEST BQQ. Nahhhh jk. 

In Arlington, we don't have cows.

Somehow it amazes me how ignorant some people can be. A lot of people think that Texas just has cows grazing on fields and cowboys (who who!!! Dallas Cowboys on a winning streak!!) but in reality Texas has a lot of cities, One Direction (more like 5 direction now!!! Hahaha... Oh great I'm gonna have 16 year olds coming after me now) crazed pre- teens, and weird pre-pubescent, Pokemon(I love Pokemon too) addicted boys.


Donald Trump

Wait you don't know who he is? Ok then just imagine a orange THEN SMASH THAT ORANGE ON THE  WHITE HOUSE.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, America's screwed.

Author's Note-

Wow... That was weird. Please comment what you want me to talk about next!
So next chapter I was thinking of writing about why dogs are better than cats.
I actually have a dog of my own, her name is Lucy. She is so mean to me though. Sometimes I think that she thinks she's the bawse. Hehe oh well.

Don't Forget to Vote!!!

God. I sound like every youtuber ever...

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