the first step

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Lindsey's POV

BEEP!BEEP!BEEP! I wake up to my alarm clock going off I roll over and see that it is 6:30 in the morning and I have to get up for school wich I dont want to do but I have to.

So i get up and get dressed and turn my straightner on and do my hair and get my bearpaws on and grab a peice of toast and run out the door with my new bag and catch the bus.

The bus ride was great I sat with a nice girl who didn't talk much but liked to draw like I do.So the bus pulls up to the school wich is huge and looks nice then I say to myself how did I get to this kind of school but then i say owell who cares.

So im in the school when a girl comes up to me and says..... Hey I'm Rianna do you want to be friends,and i say sure why not you seem nice and friendly and funny, and shey says that is exactly what I am she says. Cool thats nice well i better go I have to find my classes. Oh let me see what classes you are in, oh I have the same classes well I already know my way around the school so follow me she said. Ok I said.

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