Chapter One - Darcy

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I'm sorry if I say, "I need you."

But I don't care,

I'm not scared of love.

'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.

Is that so wrong?

Is it so wrong?

That you make me strong?

Chapter One

"It's okay, mommy's here now." I cooed, rocking my crying daughter. This is the fourth night she's woken up in the middle of the night. She said its because of bad dreams. I wish I could do something to stop them, but I can't. Just like I wish there were something to take away the pain I felt. Four years. It's been four years since I last saw and spoke to Harry; yet, it still hurts.

Being young and in love was stupid. It felt so right in the beginning but it all changed. It was no longer kisses and cuddles. It was tears and lonely nights. We were both eight when I first moved to Holmes Chapel. It was a nice place to live and I was liked by many people, including the boy next door- Harry. He had taken more than a liking with me and we became best friends. I had just turned fifteen when he took me outside, underneath all the stars and the moon whenever he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was ecstatic. I said yes and we dated all the way up until our one year mark. He was my everything. I gave him everything I had. One special night turned into something else and when I went to tell him the news, he told me he was leaving and that we'd have to break up.

I thought not telling him I was pregnant was one of the hardest things to do, until I had my daughter. Darcy is my world and I am hers. She has the biggest heart for such a small girl. She laughs like there is not a care in the world. To her there isn't, and I will do anything to make sure she doesn't have a bad life like I did when I was growing up. I lost my dad to cancer when I was six and I moved from place to place because my mom couldn't hold a job. I want stability in Darcy's life and for her to have whatever she wants.

I'm a single, twenty year old mom. Life's hard and it's always gonna be hard but you'll get through it. That's what I have to tell myself everyday to keep motivated- to be there for my daughter.

I looked down at the now silent little girl and my heart aches. She looks exactly like her him. Brown-blonde curly hair, those green eyes that could hypnotize you, and dimples that could kill. Sometimes it hurts to look at her. All I see is him, not only in her but everywhere I go. I knew Harry very well, seeing as how my almost five year old daughter is One Directions biggest fan. And he's her number one favorite. I look around the pink walls and see his face all around me. One day when she was at my moms, I came home from work because I broke down, I walked past her room but stopped. I opened her door and looked around; he was everywhere. In my head, stabbing at my heart, and now it feels like he's almost mocking me by being all over my walls. I tore down every poster and ripped them to shreds. I felt terrible afterwards. I quickly drove to the store and bought her all of the newest posters and other things. Somedays I can keep their songs playing on the radio and other days I practically punch the button for another station.

My life used to be simple and I was happy. My heart was whole. Once he left, he took half of me. I could no longer love. Not that I ever really thought about finding somebody else, Darcy is my main priority, but I just wonder every now and then. What my life would be like if I never met Harry. Then, I wouldn't have Darcy. I would be completely alone and have nobody, besides my mom. I would have no reason to live. But now I do. Darcy makes my life bright and around her, I always have a smile on my face. A real one at that.

"Mummy?" I looked down at her and saw a tear drop on her cheek. "Baby, why are you crying?" I wiped away the tear and she giggled. "I'm not mummy," She reached up and rubbed her hand across my cheek. "You are." She looked into my eyes and I remembered how Harry's would look like that when I was sad. "What's wong, mummy?" I shook my head, grinning. Every now and then she forgets her R's. "Mommy's fine. Why don't you get back in bed now." I walked over to her bed and tucked her in. "What if I have a nightmare again?" She looked up at me. "Then just sing his song," I stood up and flicked some hair out of my face. "Will you sing it to me?" She stuck her hands under her face and yawned. "Sure thing, love." I sat back down on her bed.

"... Don't let me,

Don't let me,

Don't let me go,

Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone."

By the time I finished the ending, she was sound asleep. I quickly rubbed my eyes of the forming tears and reached over to turn off her lamp. I stood up and walked out of her room, lightly closing the door, and down the hall to my room. I closed my door and laid out on the bed, not bothering to get under the covers or change out of my scrubs from work.

Why did I always have to end up like this? Right before I got in bed every night, my mind tortures me of thoughts about him. Leaving me to dream about him and wake up to an empty bed. I wonder if he ever has thoughts about me? If he even remembers me. I was just a silly girl from his past that he's probably brushed off. Whether he does or not, I do. It still hurts after this long, it makes me wonder if I'll ever forget him. If my heart will ever let him go.

A/N: So, here it is. The fourth story of mine. I know that this chapter was reallyyyyy short, but I promise the others are a lot longer.

It's just a starter chappie!

Thanks so much for reading this, please give it a chance.

You guys can check out my other stories on here:

- Silence // h.s

- Unloveable // h.s

- Fix You // n.h

And now this one! So excited!




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