Theres No Way in Hell I Like Him...Right? Ch.3

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---------------Nikki's POV----------------

As I was sitting in the middle of the deserted hallway, I started thinking....what if I just get this over with now? I could end my life and everything would be fine, honestly...who would miss me? Not my mother, she's a drunk who hates me because she thinks its my fault my father is in jail, not any of my teachers, they all think im a bad student, not anyone at school...well actually I know one person who would miss me, Wesley. Good ole gay Wesley I thought to myself smiling.

"Are you okay Nikki?"

I didn't look get up to see who said that because I knew who it was, Blake. I just kept looking at the ceiling. I heard him lay down in the hall. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that he was pretty close to me. I got a funny feeling in my stomach, the feeling I used to get when we would kiss. I closed my eyes and cursed myself for thinking like that.

"I'm sorry Nikki." Blake whispered.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong" I whispered back.

"I broke your heart." He said in a tortured voice.

"No, no you didn't break my heart Blake. It was already broken."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Then I felt his hand on my cheek, he wiped my tear away. I closed my eyes and I felt him get up on his elbow, he softly kissed my eye lids. Then he layed back down.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I said.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said, he got up and I watched him leave me. I looked back up in the ceiling and the thought of flying away didn't comfort me, unless I was flying away with Blake. Love...that's not what I'm feeling. I don't believe in it. Because if love was real, Blake would not of broken up with me. He lied to you, I silently reminded myself. He lied to you and moved on to the next girl. Then why was he doing this to me? Why did he have to bring these feelings back to me? It's not fair; he shouldn't be able to do this to me. I heard the bell ring. Time for the next class. I got up before people started rushing out of the classrooms. I went back to Mr.Varners class and snuck in to get my stuff. If he saw me, I was dead. Luckily he was talking to another student and I managed to get out of there before he noticed me. The next four periods went by uneventful. There was a lot of whispering, probably about me. I mean come on. Nikki Ford was back. The bell rang for lunch and I dashed outta the class ready to see someone I actually wanted to talk to, Wesley! I saw Wesley flirting with some guy, ughh, he's such a player! He has a date tonight. I walked past him and grabbed his arm and led him to a desk.

"What the hell Nikki! I was getting my groove on baby!"

"Oh my god Wesley your such a man-whore! You have a date with Sean tonight, remember Sean?"

"Of course I remember Sean Nik, but girl, you know Tyler has gotten cuter since last year."

"Now I don't really remember Tyler." I said sadly.

"Oh baby girl I'm sorry, I forgot you haven't seen him in like two years."

"Its okay, no biggie." I smiled. Even though I moved schools me and Wesley remained best friends.

"So have you seen you-know-who yet?"

Ughhh I groaned."I really don't wanna talk about it."

"Ohhh...I'll take that as a yes." He laughed. "Tell me what happened hun."

So I told him, he gasped in the places I knew he would gasp at and laughed at the parts I knew he would laugh at. Even though there was nothing to laugh at, he always made me feel better when he found something funny. So I laughed along with him.

"Your such a cry-baby." He teased.

"I know! I think I'm about to be on my period.

We both laughed.

"Well I'm going to go get some chips, you want some?" I asked Wesley.

"Naww...I'm on a diet"

I laughed, "Your such a freak Wes, you look hot."

"Thanks hun." He said smiling.

I walked to the other side of the lunch room where the vending machines were. Mmmmm...nacho Doritos, my favorite.

"Damn guys, look whose back, little miss tease."

Ohhh fuck...I thought to myself. Its David and his pack of douches. I turned around and saw David staring at me, he looked his eyes up and down my body. Gross, he makes me feel nasty when he looks at me like that. But damn David got hotter I thought to myself.

"Oh David I thought by now you would have been kicked out of school for being to stupid."

"Mmm damn Nikki, feisty. Me likey" He said with a wink.

I made a gag motion and he started moaning, "Oh baby do that again, your turnin me on."

"Grow up David."

I turned back around to get my chips and I felt a hand on my ass and another hand on my hip.

"Get off me you perv." I said annoyed.

His face was right up against the back of my head, he whispered in my ear. "Nikki, you know by the end of this year I'm going to get you in my bed. Watch out baby, cause I'm going to be watchin you." He kissed my neck and left with his friends laughing behind him. I couldn't move, even though I acted tough, guys scared me. I just stood there looking at the ground. David reminded me of my dad. I heard someone clear there throat behind me and saw a scary looking emo chick waiting impatiently.

"Oh I'm sorry." I mumbled. I grabbed my chips and sat at the table, Wes was in line getting water flirting with another guy. My hands were still shaking. I heard a whistle and looked over, David was two tables behind me. He gave me a big wink and licked his lips. David wanted me...that thought scared me to death because I knew David always got what he wanted.

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