Chapter 2

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Rarity looks up at Fluttershy, a small blush appearing on her face as she stares into those gorgeous turquoise eyes.

"Hello, darling." she replies with a smile.

Fluttershy smiles back, hoping that she would like what she was about to do.

"Okay, everypony, gather around for a sec!" she calls, seeing everypony's confused looks as they sit down.

The yellow Pegasus clears her throat, before she says, "Rarity, the truth is, that I, um, have liked you for a very long time, since we met in Miss Cheeriliee's class, and up until now. I have finally gathered up the courage to ask you this one simple question. Will you go out with me?"

Rarity feels her heart skip a beat as she hears Fluttershy say those beautiful words.

"Yes! Yes! I will, darling!!" she replies, pulling the Pegasus into a hug.

Fluttershy, without any warning, pulls Rarity into a kiss, their tongues fighting for dominance. The unicorn moans into the kiss, causing Fluttershy to do the same.

When they come up for air, Fluttershy asks, "Shall we take this somewhere private~?"

Rarity nods, following the Pegasus into a bedroom nearby.

The other ponies, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Applejack, are sitting in the main room, listening to the moans and other sounds coming from the bedroom, which are coming from the two partners.

Applejack speaks up first.

"I should have told y'all this earlier, but, I don't approve of gay relationships. I was raised in an all-straight family, and two mares loving each other, i-it doesn't seem right!"

The other ponies nod in understanding.

"I approve of this relationship! I've been shipping them for years, and they finally got together!" Pinkie says with a burst of excitement.

Twilight asks with confusion, "What's.....'shipping'?"

The pink earth pony giggles. "Oh, it means you pair two ponies together, and in your mind you think that they should get in a relationship."

The purple Alicorn understands. "Oh. I feel so dumb right now....."

A few minutes go by, and the ponies hear the bedroom door open, and they see two, wet, panting ponies heading towards the shower room, where they could clean off their..... bodily fluids from their skin.

An hour passes, and, suddenly, the 4 ponies hear a scream coming from Fluttershy. They race towards the bathroom to see what happened.

Fluttershy opens the door, showing the other ponies a thermometer-like object.

It's a pregnancy test.

And it's positive.

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