Chapter 4

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A few hours later, Rarity wakes up in a place surrounded by blue crystals.

"Where am I?" she asks.

"Oh, goodie! You're awake. Now we can play a little game." a voice speaks.

"W-Who are you?" Rarity demands.

"Oh, Rarity, Element Of Generosity, you can call me Tova, the Princess of Changelings."

"Why isn't the queen here?"

"Oh, she's a bit busy pretending to be you for your lover, so I'm here." Tova explains with a laugh.

"Where am I?" the Unicorn demands again.

"You're in the Canterlot Caverns, of course! Now, stop asking questions, and get straight to our game!"

"Game? What game?" The Unicorn asks, and then, not a second later, her horn disappears.

"Where's my horn!!??"

"Oh, I don't want you breaking any rules~! Rule number 1, no using magic. The objective of this game is simple, escape the Canterlot Caverns in 5 minutes, or never escape, and witness your friend being sucked dry. Good luck!"

Rarity panics. "Oh no!"

"Tick tock, Generosity~!"

The dramatic pony gallops through different corridors, looking for any signs of escape. She finds a mine cart and jumps in it, hoping it doesn't lead to her doom. While riding down the track, the track cracks, causing Rarity and the mine cart to fall to the bottom of the Caverns.

"That was a dumb choice~ You only have 3 minutes left. Tick tock!" Tova laughs.

"YOU LISTEN HERE, TOVA----" Rarity is cut off by a stinging headache.

"Don't get smart with me, or I'll have to use force."

Rarity ignores the Princess, and begins to sing.

Oh, Fluttershy, how I wish I was by your side, away from here, and no more tears, with my future bride.

I have to try to get out of here before I die, now I see the real me is deep inside.

Please get me out of here! I cannot live in fear! Oh, Fluttershy, I'm going to cry, if I can't save your soul!

Rarity breaks down in tears, when she hears a familiar voice above her. She wipes her eyes, looking upwards, and what she sees almost makes her burst into tears again.

Standing right above her, looking down at the dramatic pony, is Fluttershy, holding one end of a rope in her mouth.

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