Chatper Nine

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Castiel had woken up before Dean. He quietly slipped out of bed and got dressed. Today was a better day. His leg was not hurting. In fact, he could limp on it without any pain. The only cause for concern about his leg was the growing redness. Castiel thought it was from last night.

He limped into the kitchen, took his medication, and started preparing breakfast. For Dean, he made his favourite. A big plate full of eggs, sausage (that Dean had earlier bought for himself), grits, and a single waffle. Cas, on the other hand, made himself a small parfait with vanila Greek Yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, a few pieces of watermellon, and some granola to top it off.

"Smells good in here, Cas," Dean hummed as he walked into the kitchen half naked.

"Where is your shirt?"

"Where are your crutches," Dean smarted.

"Didn't need em," Castiel smiled cockingly, taking a miniscule bite of his parfait before sitting down," go put a shirt on."

"You're only telling me to put a shirt on because my toned body gives you a stiffy." Cas nearly choaked on a strawberry at Dean's comment. His face turned red and he looked away.

"Shut-up! No it do-esn't!" Castiel shouted through coughs. Dean stepped over to Cas' chair and bent down, placing a kiss on his lips.

"I'll be right back," he chuckled, rushing off to the bedroom to put a shirt on. Castiel resituated himself and placed his cold cup on his blushing, hot face.

When Dean came back into the room,his shirt was on and he was on the phone.

"Tomorrow then? I can't wait," he smiled," I'll see you then. Bye." Dean looked over at Castiel and smiled.

"Sam?" Cas asked and Dean nodded, placing his phone on the table beside of his plate of food as he sat down to eat his breakfast.

"They're going to be here tomorrow. I just have to text him the address and find out sleeping arrangements. How are we going to fit five people in here with only one bed?"

"You do realize my appartment is two bed and one and a half bath, right?" Cas raised an eyebrow.

"What? Then why have you been sleeping on the couch?" Dean asked.

"Well, I converted the room into a computer room because when I moved here, I did not plan on having anyone over... but there is a pull down mattress. I didn't sleep on it because I don't have sheets to put on it.. Plus the couch kinda smells like you from the first time you were here," Cas laughed and Dean rolled his eyes.

"I'll go out and buy some sheets. You rest up your leg."

"Oh, come on," Castiel frowned, "I want to get out of the house too."

"I'll only be half an hour. I'll even pick up some ice cream on the way home. How does that sound?"

"Chocolate?" Cas asked with a pouting face.



While Dean was out, Castiel took the opportunity to go back through Dean's diary...journal...thing. Dean thought he had hidden it perfectly from Cas, but he knew the room like the back of his hand. It was hidden under the table.

"July 22, 2016 at 2:53 AM

It's about 3 AM and I can't sleep. Cas and I just had sex for the first time and I'm scared that I'm moving too fast with him. What if it was just a 'heat of the moment' kind of thing? I didn't plan this out... Jesus. Sam is coming over soon too. What if I mess up with Cas and he leaves me out? Sam would never speak to me ever again!"

"July 22, 2016 at 9:27 AM

Cas got out of bed. He isn't using his crutches. I guess he is feeling better. Waking up to him beside of me is something I can get used to. He's making breakfast right now. It's all my favourite foods too. I can smell it. I guess he isn't mad. I think I did good.."

Cas smiled at the words on the paper before he closed the book and placed it back where he found it. He just laid there on the bed and grinned at the ceiling. Cas felt like he was back in grade school when he had met, who he thought was, the love of his life. 

The guys name was Balthazar and the grade was eleventh. This was after Castiel's family found out about him being a homosexual. He would hide out at Balthazar's house whenever it got really bad at home. That was until he moved without warning after about a year of them being together. He changed his phone number and deleted all of his social media. Cas even tried to e-mail him but he never got a message back. It broke his heart. He tried to move on by getting a girlfriend, but, that did not work out. It wasn't until after they broke up that he left home to live with Ellen for a little while. That's when his ex tried to set him on fire. Those were wild times.

Sometimes Cas would think back to the days he would spend at Balthazar's house, but since Dean had been in the picture, Cas had totally forgotten about him.

Cas peered down at his leg when he felt a somewhat sore feeling rush through it. It still looked red, but the wound was completely healed on the outside. He thought that maybe it was just a side effect to the stitches on the inside. All Castiel wanted to do was get the staples out.


"Honey, I'm home," Dean playfully shouted as he closed the front door with his foot. He raised an eyebrow when he did not hear anything back from Cas. Looking at the clock, he noticed that it was around five o'clock. One of Cas' favourite shows was on, but the entire house was quiet.

Dean set the stuff down on the counter and walked down the hall. When he opened the door to the bedroom, he noticed Cas was covered up and sleeping on his back. He wanted to let Cas sleep for however long he needed, but at the same time, he wanted Castiel to have a full nights rest tonight.

"Cas," Dean whispered as he lightly shook Castiel, "wake up. You wont sleep good tonight if you don't."

"You gotta kiss me to wake me up," Cas groaned out of the side of his mouth, not moving a muscle and Dean rolled his eyes before pressing his lips on Cas'. He felt Castiel's arms wrap around his neck and pull him deeper into the kiss. Dean put his legs on either side of Cas and Castiel pulled away from the kiss to suck a hickey or two onto Dean's neck before going back to his lips.

As the kiss prolonged, Dean felt hands going to undo his pants but before they were unbuttoned, Dean pulled away. All that was left was a trail of spit between the two.

"Ice cream's gonna melt."

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