Chapter 2 - The Ministers Auror

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Harry James Potter was, to say the least, bored out of his mind. He currently sat in his personal Auror office at the Ministry, feet slung up to rest on the black wood of his pristine desk. Harry never thought himself to be a 'neat freak', but spending so many years around Hermione Granger and the Patil twins seemed to have rubbed off on him. Everything on the desk was in order; his pens were evenly lined up and spaced out, a stack of paperwork sat alphabetized in the pick-up bin at the corner of his desk, and his name plate was spotless. For once in his life, everything was in its place and completed, and Harry had nothing else to do but sit and wander.
The war had ended four months ago, and Harry had often questioned what he would do when it was actually over. Peaceful nights he often remembered this question and thought about it, as he was raised by Albus Dumbledore to be the savior of the Wizarding World. When it did end, the happiness and excitement didn't come as easily as Harry wanted it too. There were so many dead and so many more unnamed, he simply couldn't celebrate. Yet as the days wore on, the emptiness he felt from having no purpose was driving him mad. So it came as a relief when the newly appointed Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt came to him in need of a personal auror. Of course Harry immediately accepted the position, and was happy to watch as Hermione joined him at the Ministry in the Office of Muggle and Half-Blood affairs and Ron went on to be the star keeper of the (once awful) Chudly Cannons.
Sadly, his relationship with Ginny Weasley didn't last, but Harry understood. She had found an unexpected romance with Neville Longbottom,

'Hermione once told me they were a perfect couple,' Harry thought wryly, turning slightly in his chair to open one of his desk drawers. Inside was a pair of circular, wire framed glasses. They had a thin layer of dust on them which Harry carefully wiped away as he observed them. Two months after taking the Auror job, Harry had ditched the glasses for contact lenses. Not only were they actually very inconvenient while tracking on-the-run Death Eaters across the country, but they also acted as a tie to his childhood. The Boy-Who-Lived was now the Man-Who-Conquered, and the glasses were just a reminder of who he used to be,


Auror instincts in full gear, Harry replaced the glasses in the desk drawer and slammed it shut, standing from his lounging position as his charge, Kingsley, practically burst into the room. His elegant purple robes seemed to fly on their own as Harry frowned at the mans disturbed expression,

"What is it, Kingsley?"

"You need to come with me immediately,"

The Minister for Magic didn't offer any sort of explanation to his top auror as Harry began to think of possible worse case scenarios. Had Azkaban been compromised? We're Death Eaters rebelling? Was the Ministry on fire? All these ideas flew around Harry's mind as he went to the Minister and took hold of his outstretched arm without hesitation, feeling the tug of Apparition behind his navel as they vanished. To his surprise, they weren't at Grimmauld Place, or Azkaban Prison or any other part of the Ministry. No, they were in the long white hallways of St. Mungos hospital,

"Ah, Minister Shacklebolt, Mr. Potter thank you so much for coming on such short notice. I am Dr. Westshore Todd,"

The Mediwizard addressing them currently was middle aged with dark hair.

'He looks like a Ravenclaw,' Harry thought to himself, shaking hands with the man when he held out an arm in greeting,

"How is she then?" Kingsley questioned, obviously knowing more about the situation then Harry did at the moment. Dr. Todd nodded slowly, waving both the Minister and his Auror farther down the hall as he spoke,

"I'm afraid we can't be sure as of yet," he stated, "Ms. Granger is currently being taken care of by my best staff,"


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