Unknown voices

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So the truth about me being insane was out. Matt stood at the end of the bed, seemingly frozen. I knew I should not have told him. The silence filling the room was unbearable. Great, I completely destroyed this conversation. Matt looked thoughtful as he stared me down. Uncomfortable... Riley sighed, getting up to stand next to Matt. "Say something man, don't just leave her hanging!"

As if he had heard Riley, Matt nodded. "That must be interesting to deal with." Surprisingly, there was no trace of sarcasm or cruelty in his voice. Matt was being thoughtful and understanding. A smile came to my face, "Thank you for not judging me Matt." He soon had a warm smile of his own, "You are very welcome."

A nurse knocked on the door and informed Matt that volunteer hours were over. With one final smile and a goodbye, he left. Riley smiled down at me, "See, told you it was a good idea." Riley sat on the bed and pulled me into him as he turned my lamp off. The building was silent for once. No screams, no cries... It was actually peaceful for once. This institute usually brings you into a deep sadness that you can't break from.

Riley's soft voice made this cold room seem like it was a log cabin with a warm, crackling fireplace. His arms wrapped around me as we lay on the bed. For the first time since I have been here, I fell into a peaceful sleep. No interruptions from nurses, patients (alive or dead). Just peaceful, silent bliss.


Sun leaked through the window and filled the room. It was too early to get up. Throwing the blanket over my head, I snuggled into Riley's chest. His chest rumbled with laughter. It echoed through the air of the room. I was almost asleep again. Almost... I was disturbed by the annoying voice of the head nurse outside of my door. "Maive, get up and get ready for breakfast. You have a busy schedule today." My arm lashed out to throw a pillow at the door. Riley laughed once again at my antics.

"Come on baby girl, you need to get up and greet the day!" The glare I sent towards him was so intense it probably would have killed him if he were still alive. His smile never faltered though. He stood and got me some clothes, picking out another Avenged Sevenfold shirt. He obviously didn't want me to lay low and avoid them. Falling out of bed, I crawled over to his feet. He dropped the clothes onto my head. I dressed while sitting on the floor, still too tired to get up.

Riley somehow managed to get me up and we walked out to the cafeteria. All the other patients were already seated and eating. Shuffling over to the food I grabbed a breakfast burrito and slouched into a chair in the far corner. My eyes were closing and my head bobbed and fell as I began to fall asleep in my chair. But the sound of trays hitting the table before me woke me up right away. Avenged Sevenfold sat down around me. Well this is different...

"Good morning Maive.", Johnny greeted me with a smile. I returned it with slight hesitation. Did Matt tell them about last night?

Zacky leaned forward with an innocently curious expression, "So, you can see ghosts?"

Well I guess that answers my question.

Well I guess that answers my question

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