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Interview with RobThier, the author of the Silence Series and more.


Q: When you first started writing in Wattpad, did you ever think that your milestone would reach this far here in the app?

A: No. Definitely not. Sometimes I'm still dumbfounded by how many people like my stories.

Q: Storm and Silence won story of the year back in 2015, what are your thoughts on that and did you ever expect that to happen?

A: My thoughts were "Yesss! Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!" (or at least that's a rough summary). I most definitely did not expect it, hence the exuberance.

Q: Your books have reached millions of reads over the years, and by that time what were the rough patches you had to go through?

A: I can't really remember any rough patches. If you mean whether I ever suffered from writer's block, the answer is, luckily no.

Q: Being one of the most notorious writers here on Wattpad, what are the ups and downs that you had to face by being known?

A: On wattpad, there really only have been ups. It has been difficult to get regognition as a writer outside of this platform, but thanks to my awesome fans, that is starting to work out now.

Q: Many young writers pursue to have the success that you have, any advice you woud like to give out for them to achieve their goals?

A: Find something that you love and write about it in a way that people will find interesting. I tried the same with history, and it worked.

Q: How did the plot of your famous book Storm and Silence transpire inside your head and what made you think to write it down here on Wattpad?

A: Well, it transpired in my head pretty much the same it transpired on paper ;) As for why I posted it on Wattpad - well, at that time I had already posted several other books here and there was no reason to give up.

Q: Being here in the site for years has it's different bumps and edges every now and then, what were the hardest time you had to go through by being a writer here?

A: There weren't any, really. Except maybe that little panic attack when I went on wattpad and suddenly had lost all my followers - only it turned out that was a bug in Wattpad's system, and was put back to rights a day later.

Q: Out of all the achievements you pursued, what is the one achievement that shocked you and topped all the rest?

A: Trying to turn my writing professional. Before coming on Wattpad, I never thought that would actually work.

Q: Any few words for your aspiring readers who are in the state of writing their own books here on Wattpad and wish to be as successful as you in the future?

A: Don't give up! Patience is definitely a virtue on Wattpad. It took me nearly two years to get a breakthrough, so keep hanging in there and don't give up on your dreams!

Q: On Wattpad, you're more known for your more serious works with humor as a sub-genre - yet it's still ridiculously funny. How do you work in your humor smoothly without breaking the flow? Do you have any tricks you'd like to share?

A: I think my writing developed naturally from my reading habits. I've only ever been able to stand books that have a pinch of humor in them, and it probably influenced my writing style. I don't really do it consciously.

Q: Who would you consider the funniest character you've ever written and why?

A: Oh dear, there are so many to chose from ;) But if I have to pick, it would be a tie between the little girl Fye from the "Robber Knight" series and Coal Black from "WARNING! Fairy Tales"

Q: What inspires you to write everyday? Do you ever struggle for motivation? Or, perhaps, is there a certain time of day, place or activity that gets you inspired.

A: I don't really need an inspiration. Ever since I can remember I've had a need to express myself, be it through drawing, composing music or writing. Nowadays, I focus pretty much on the writing, but the drive has never gone away.

Q: When you write funny scenes in your stories, are they made up scenarios or do the ideas come from personal experiences?

A: I make it up. I make it all up, absolutely. My life is not that funny ;)

Q: Does it ever amaze you how dedicated and engaged your readers are with your words? Is there anything you'd like to say to them?

A: Yes, definitely. I regularly read the comments of my readers to get feedback on my stories, and it is spiffing how I get new information on improved translations, local history, and many other subjects that help me improve my books. Also, some of the comments are nearly more funny than my own writing. So thank you all for your wonderful support! :)

Q: Your hit first book from the Silence series recently picked up the runners-up spot in the GoodRead Awards - as well as all the books in it having won many Wattys. I'm sure all your readers are wondering: where did the inspiration for that story come from? 

A: The original idea came to me during my studies of Imperialism and Suffragism at university.

Q: Many of your earlier works were written in German. What caused the switch to full time English and do you ever intend to write in German again?

A: The switch was motivated by the fact that back then, Wattpad was primarily a English-speaking platform. Since I had always had a liking for the language I thought to myself "Why not try write a book in English?" and it worked out beautifully. At the moment, I have no plans to switch back.

Q: What would you consider the best joke or funny scene you've ever written on Wattpad? Why?

A: That would probably be the recently posted torture scene in chapter 21 of "Silence is Golden". Yes, it's a torture scene and it IS funny. Try it and see ;-)


Thank you to RobThier for doing this interview with us!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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