Lisa's Journal

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Chapter One.

                                                                       Episode 1 - A New Beginning



It was a girl named Lisa Bucket . She had dark hair , dark eyes . Her parents dead in a car accident and so arrived at an orphanage in New York , where she was living in disastrous conditions . There she met a boy with the same story named Blake Stone. Lisa was 18 years without one day. , And Blake was 19 .


What is their story ?


 Due to the horrible conditions they decided to escape with the help of nurses, will begin a new life with a new beginning. Lisa's parents have left behind a legacy that Lisa and Blake have been used .


Because inheritance was not great , could not only afford a small house . consisted of : a bathroom, a kitchen, a storage room and a room. Room had only a bed that belongs to the owner the rent , because Lisa and Blake could not afford to buy their own mattresses . Owners understanding their situation , gave them some clothes that they no longer needed . Slowly passed and the first night .

Lisa and Blake were settled and started to go to school and school activities besides Blake also had a job at a factory of electronics in New York. Blake salary that they receive barely enough for them to have something to eat, let alone pay maintenance .

The owners have decided not to rent them ask for money on rent , lightening their little living. Lisa noticed that money are not enough so she decided to look for a job , but unfortunately , no one hired her.

Blake knowing that the next day will be the age of majority Lisa looked for a job for which he also managed to hire Lisa. Lisa's job will be full of adventures , which we invite you to discover in these episodes.

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