Barren Wasteland

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   The winds of Afghanistan have been called many things. For example a nice cooldown, hardly there, Nonexistent, and overall, angry as all hell.

   Depending on the region, the summer and winter seasons of the country can vary. For example, the northeastern regions, which are mostly mountainous, are hot summers and very cold winters. The southwest regions are usually hot all year round due to the fact that they are all desert.

   Surprisingly for a country that has been at war for thousands of years, the terrain is astonishing to see. Stories of soldiers coming home can only give someone so much. To truly experience the beauty, and the horrors, of Afghanistan, someone would have to go there themselves. Unfortunately for some, they only experience the horrors of this barren country.

12 February, 2020
Badger Squad, 7th Group (Airborne)
3 km from Korengal Valley

   Muffled pounding from the Black Hawk kept SGT Kyle Maine from falling asleep, even the headset and ear protection he was wearing couldn't completely block out the rotors slicing through the air. He sighed deeply and rested his head back. This was their fifth mission in a row, with little to none sleep. Even though he hardly slept, he still appreciates days off and recovery time.

   Faint voices through the radio were constantly buzzing about the timeline and mission. Along with the radio being stuck to scan, every now and then he would hear radio chatter from the route clearance platoons that were scattered across the country.

   'Never a quiet day here in Afghanistan.' He thought to himself, it's no wonder why the local people of the country wanted the American and NATO forces out of their homeland. They can't go an hour without seeing military convoys and patrols rolling through their small villages.

   "Badger 6, this is Overlord." His own personal radio erupted to life. Cutting him away from his thoughts.

   "Send it, Overlord." The man next to him, 1LT John Campbell, his squad leader, replied to the female voice over the radio.

   "Be advised we were just informed of friendly NATO forces operating in the same AO as your mission. Break." There was a pause. "Proceed with mission and identify targets before engaging, we dont need an Blue on Blue event on our hands. How copy?"

   "That's a good copy, Overlord. Do we know which country is operating there? Or why?" Campbell looked down at the floor of the helicopter, shaking it slightly.

   "Negative, 6. That's all we have for now. Will update you as we get intel. Out." The radio cut out with static.

   "You heard the lady y'all, friendly forces in the AO. Check your targets." Campbell sighed and shook his head. "Sometimes I just wish they would let us handle things." He spoke into the headset.

   "Maybe they are tired of the U.S taking all the credit for the success in the Middle East." SGT John Springer stated across from him, "We have been since the first wave. Maybe they want some fun too, sir."

   "Shit, they can have all the fun they want. I'm sick of tired of this place and these people. Fucking hate sand." SGT Michael Harrison sat next to Springer, promptly giving a middle finger out the open doors of the helicopter to the barren ground below them.

   "Trust me boys, I've spent more time here than anyone here. But guess what? I'm still back and still ready to rock." SFC Evan Perez boomed over the internal radio. "If I learned anything in the Corps, it's that there's so such thing as too much action. Hoorah baby!" He loudly laughed and fist pumped the air.

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