It is MARICHAT! It dose involve Nathaniel and sadly Chloe but yes its a really good story and I'm making a truth or dare story soon to so yes. let's start
Adrian was over at my house and we were going to my room then I realized that the pictures of Cat Noir my new crush was still an my walls but it was to late we were already in my room and the first thing he looked at was the pictures of Cat my Kitty and one looked like this
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It was so not funny and this thang is he was laughing at it and then when he stoked he turned around and said what's with all the pictures of Cat Noir is he your Crush I didn't know how to answer I was freaking out on what to say. Adrian
Shewasn'tansweringwithI'mguessing ment yesthenallofsuddenshesaidyesit shocked me a little that she told me yes but then I just said let's get started and all you could do was was node and we had to do it on LadyBug and Cat Noir she choose Cat Noir of corse and and I didn't even get a chance to say anything. Marinette
After we finished Adrian wanted to stay a little longer and my clothes we're starting to bug me So I went to go change and when I got back I was wearing this
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Adrain looked at me mouth opened and I thank I saw his eyes turn into hearts.