Chapter 6

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In Donatello's lab, he continued to edit the functions his creation would have. He would type something, read over it, them retype it. He's been doing this for more than an hour and he just now acknowledged the other turtle watching him. Donnie turned and gave Raphael a strange face. "Do you need something?" Donnie asked. Raph simply stared at the computer, keeping his hand under his chin to hold his head up. He shook his head to respond to Donnie. "I just need somethin' to do," Raph glanced over to Donnie then back at the screen. Donatello was surprised to hear that his brother decided to spend time with him. Raph looked back at Donnie when he didn't continue to type. "What? Ya don't want me here or something?" Donatello quickly responded, afraid he was going to lose his chance with his brother. "No, no! I'm actually glad to have some company," he said smiling. Raph simply 'hmph'ed and looked away from Donnie. Donnie tried to go back to typing but his fingers wouldn't move. Now that he knew Raph was watching him, he was distracted. Raphael noticed this and was confused "Hey, ya alright?" Raph asked, as he leaned closer to Donnie. Donnie quickly snapped back to reality and responded. "Oh, y-yeah. I just can't focus..." Raph kept a straight face and decided to try something. He pushed Donnie's chair aside and pulled his closer to the keyboard. He looked at the screen then down at the keys. "Uh, Raph? Do you even know what you're doing?" Donnie asked, a little surprised. Raph was now embarrassed and couldn't help but turn red across his cheeks. "It looks so easy when you do it Don, so I thought I might give it a shot..." Donnie couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, typing in functions and codes aren't that easy. If you really want to try, let's start out simple," Donnie closed out of the current page and went to a blank one. He pulled his chair back over so he was closer to Raph and in front of the keyboard. He began to type a simple sentence. On the screen, it now said: 'Hey Raph'. Raphael smiled and tried to type when Donnie slid the keyboard over to him. Very slowly, Raph typed out: 'hey don'. Now it was Donnie's turn to smile. He pulled the keyboard back to himself and typed again: 'Are you enjoying this?' After he slid the keyboard back to Raph, he noticed that Raph was trying to take short cuts instead of typing out correct sentences. He realized this when Raph gradually typed: 'yah typing slow'. The keyboard went back to Donnie and he typed: 'You just need some practice, that's all'. Raph then typed: 'y dont we talk lik norml peeple'. Donnie laughed and typed: 'We aren't normal, nor people'. Raph nodded in agreement then typed: 'tru but we r next 2 each othr'. Donnie typed: 'Yeah, but you wanted to learn to type didn't you?' Raph didn't respond this time. Donnie looked over to him and saw him bending his finger back. "Typing hurts after a while," Raph said, trying to shake out the achy feeling in his hand. "Yeah but you get used to it," Donnie laughed. Raph looked at Donnie as he went back to the Codes/Functions document. Raph smiled to himself. He actually enjoyed spending time with Donnie. He never thought that doing something Donnie does would be so fun.
Once Raph's finger felt better, Donnie asked him," Wanna continue typing?"
Raph responded by typing: 'Yah, ill try 2 type faster'.

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