Chapter 48:

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~1 day later~

Ross- (wakes up Laura) we're here

Laura- (stands up) okay

Ross- (gets the bags and they get out if the car and sets them down then picks up Laura)

Laura- (giggles) Rossy!

Ross- (carries Laura in the house and sets her on the bed) I love you!

Laura- it's cold

Ross- it is snowing here (takes off Laura's wedding dress and puts pajamas on her)

Laura- (gets under the covers) I'm tired

Ross- (pulls Laura to his chest as she falls asleep)

~the next day~

Laura- (wakes up, puts on warmer clothes, and walks outside) hey Rossy!

Ross- (kisses Laura) hey Laur!

Laura- what do you want to do

Ross- let's go ice skating

Laura- I can't ice skate

Ross- sure you can (gets skates for him and Laura and puts them on and they go to the lake)

Laura- I'm not doing this

Ross- (takes Laura's hand as they go out onto the ice) I won't let you fall

Laura- if I fall-

Ross- (cuts her off by kissing her) that won't happen (starts skating with Laura)

Laura- it's not that hard (let's go of Ross and starts skating)

Ross- you're good

Laura- (starts to fall but regains her balance) maybe not

Ross- (laughs and skates over to Laura) I love you! (kisses her)

Laura- (smiles) you too (skates away)

Ross- Laur!

Laura- (stops) what

Ross- you keep skating away

Laura- (skates over to Ross then falls into his arms) I knew I'd fall

Ross- (laughs) at least I was here

Laura- (kisses Ross) I'm happy you are (let's go if Ross and falls)

Ross- (picks up Laura) are you okay

Laura- no

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