Chapter 86:

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Riker- what do you mean

Laura- he might never get his memory back and I don't want to get hurt

Riker- just try

Laura- (sighs) okay

Ross- (walks in) am I interrupting a make out session or something

Riker- I was actually just leaving (leaves)

Ross- why were you crying

Laura- you don't remember me or our kids

Ross- should I remember you

Laura- I'm your wife

Ross- I've never even met you. You're probably a stupid fan or something

Laura- (shows Ross a picture)

Ross- this could be photoshopped

Laura- it's not

Ross- how should I know

Laura- ask Rydel

Ross- you could be paying her to say things

Laura- you would know because you would be loosing money too. We share a bank account

Ross- you could have hacked it

Laura- but I didn't

Ross- (packs all his stuff up) well have a nice life Laura... without me (leaves)

Laura- (runs downstairs) he left me (breaks down crying)

Riker- he'll come back

Laura- yeah... that's why he packed all his stuff

Riker- just don't worry about it

Laura- how can I not worry about it? Two of my kids are going to grow up without a father.

Rydel- you only have two kids

Laura- I'm pregnant... and the baby isn't Ross's

Riker- I thought we weren't going to tell them...

Everyone else- WHAT?!?!

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