Chapter 2

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"Case 1 - Silent Witness"

Chapter 2

“Wouldn’t do that again?! You did that almost every time!”

“Let us just go to the Scene” Evan snobbishly said

En route to the Scene, the three of them started chatting about their time spent over the weekends. Evan had spent time with his girlfriend and Natalie; well, she just stayed at home, watching primetime dramas and soap operas.

“Had fun over the weekends?” Tyler probed.

“Yes Boss, I went to the gym, did some workouts and spent time with my girlfriend. As for Natalie, I bet she’d be at home all day watching dramas and movies”

“NO! That’s not true; I also went grocery shopping, met up with friends...”

“Blah, blah, blah, that is what a housewife will do...” Evan sarcastically said.

“Shut up!” Natalie retorted.

After about ½ hour’s drive from the office, they finally arrived at the crime scene. As soon they stepped out of the car, Evan and Natalie were getting their kits and Tyler, well; he was facing some issues, concerning “Jurisdiction”.

“James Walker, FBI and this is my assistant, Tony McCray.”

“Tyler, FCB, so what brings two glorious FBI agents into our nice, little city?”

“It’s classified; however, I can tell you that the victim is related to a federal agency. I understand due to the nature of the crime, that we are facing some communicational issues right...”

“Jurisdictional.” Tyler rebuked.

“Yes, federal outranks local so...”

“It happened in Ryca, so its FCB’s jurisdiction and I wouldn’t want any Feds coming in and to interfere with our investigation.”

“We can suggest a joint investigation; you can share our resources with us”

“No thanks. This is my crime scene and I am asking politely for both of you to leave the crime scene.”

FBI agent Tony prepares to make a call to the Director of the FCB.

“Alright, I’m calling your Director; I doubt you can go against your chief’s orders”

“Well, I can. Officers, escort these two agents out of my crime scene NOW”. Tyler blatantly shouted out.

“Well done Tyler, well done... We shall wait and see…”

Tony seemed nervous after leaving the crime scene.

Meanwhile, Mike had just arrived at the crime scene where he noticed the commotion. Mike asked what happened and Tyler just kept mum about it. Mike proceeded to examine the body. He noticed some contusions on the body followed by some cuts around the neck.

Preliminary cause of death at that time was certain blunt force trauma to the head. No ID was found on the victim. Further investigations had to be conducted to determine cause of death. Preliminary forensic investigation had to be conducted at the crime scene. However, Tyler was quite annoyed by the flashing lights given out by the reporter’s camera; however, he couldn’t do anything about it. Tyler and his team just continued with their investigation.

At this point of time, Evan has started taking photographs of the Crime Scene while Natalie was gathering evidence. Tyler had spoken with Mike about the condition of the body and was getting ready to inspect the scene when an outsider barged in. Officers stopped him at the red tape and Tyler questioned him, only to be known as Jason, the victim’s brother. He was brought into the station for questioning.

At the scene, Natalie found a knife and a pair of ear buds . She Bagged and tagged it up. While photographing the scene, Evan found an anomaly. He spotted that the back door to the bar was unlocked and immediately, Tyler and officers from the RCPD went in and questioned the bar owner for information. More evidence was recovered from the scene.

Meanwhile, in autopsy, the body of the victim has arrived and Mike was prepping her for the autopsy. Mike changed into his outfit and started opening her up. Whilst examining the head wound, he noticed that there are trace evidence in the wound. He collected it and sent it up to the lab techs upstairs. He founded restraining marks on her hand and feet, suggesting she was bounded against her will. When he opened her up, he was shocked at what was found. The internal organs were “liquefied”. He found that there was more ruptures near the inferior vena Carva (a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart). He also found multiple scarring in the oesophagus. He also found tiny puncture marks in the arm. He had to make a conclusion, did the head trauma cause her death or the internal bleeding did so?

He took a closer look at the head wound and found out there was a lack of tissue activity which suggests it was post mortem. Following that, he looked into the internal bleeding theory. He examined the ruptures and found a crystalline substance and a bad odour .The puncture marks too contained the same substance under the skin. He got a theory, due to the bad odour that was coming out and its organs are liquidfied, he suggests that it was either an acid, an alkaline or a poisonous substance she injested and/or injected. To prove his theory, he used a litmus paper to test the crystalline substance and it confirmed his suspicion. It was an acid that cause her death. The acid injested ripped through the organs like a hot knife through butter. The COD was officially injection of acid into the Vena Cava, and the ingestion of the acid into the stomach resulting in its “organs” being cooked inside out. He collected the acidic substance and sent it upstairs to confirm its kind.

Mike immediately ran the victims fingerprints through AFIS and got a hit. She was Merlyn Clarke, aged 35 from Trebbia County in Colorado. She was flagged as a missing person.

At the crime scene, Tyler was having problems was the bar owner as he was very uncooperative.

“Have you seen the girl before?” he asked.

The owner ignored him

"Let's try this again. Have you seen her before!?"

“Nope, never saw her before” The owner snubbed

“Alright, I am gonna need your CCTV tapes and any camera tapes that you have.”

“Unless you’ve got a warrant, otherwise, get the hell out of my place. I’ve got a business to run!!” The owner scolded Tyler.

Tyler knew that he had a 50-50 chance of obtaining a warrant due to the lack of evidence and probable cause. Tyler was facing the bar owner which was a very tough nut to crack.

Was a warrant issued and What will happen next? Stay tuned to the next chapter to find out more!


Hello! That is the second Chapter of "Silent Witness", and I hope you'd enjoyed it!


Please do rate and support it if you like the stories very much. Criticisms are also accepted to help make my story better. Have fun reading, and enjoy! If it gets too dry, you may want to continue the next day. Enjoy!

~Contributor: RyannLIM

* Simulcast Publishing on



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