Chapter 4

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"Case 1 - Silent Witness"

Chapter 4

Following the discovery of Det. Tyler’s fingerprint on the door handle, Sarah had a promise to keep, which was to keep mum about it. This was later proven to be disastrous.

Back at the office, 

“Gentlemen, these are Agents Jack Finley and Barry Barret from the DEA, and I believe that you’d met Agent James Walker and Tony McCray from the FBI, we will be coordinating with them on this investigation so I want you guys to treat them nicely and warmly,” Lauren said. 

“ Director, why are they involved, I thought it is supposed to be FCB’s call, and who will make the shots? Bringing them in will complicate things; I don’t want things to be complicated further.” Tyler retorted

“Don’t worry, this is a joint investigation, FCB will take the lead, whereas we DEA will be providing support, I supposed the FBI feels the same?” Finley said. 

“Yeah, it’s alright”, James replied.

While the director was discussing things with the DEA agents, the FBI agents gave out a smirk.

To make the environment between the FCB and FBI cordial, Tyler and Natalie had offered them a treat at a nearby restaurant, James declined the offer but Tony agreed. Tony was wearing a black blazer, a white shirt with a collar-pin.

Meanwhile, Evan was processing the evidence recovered from the body. He found out that there was trace evidence from the head wound, which came back to be Sequoioideae or redwood. Mike just dropped in more evidence, including stomach contents. Mike cautioned Evan that there was something fishy about the lungs in which, he gave him the lung tissue. The lung tissue tells him that there were high concentrations of ammonia in her lungs. Evan cross-referenced the concentration of redwood trees, and industry producing ammonia and got a match.

Evan founded out that a company called Bi-oxide solutions has matched the ammonia trace evidence recovered from the body. Evan went down with a strike team and searched the premises. They recovered the empty bottles of acid used to force down her throat and they found the room that was used to lock her up against her will. He also tracked that Jason was working in the company. He bagged and sent the evidence back to the lab.

Back in the office, the director had dropped by for a visit and to enquire more about the investigation. She glanced upon the result of the fingerprint analysis and saw that Det. Tyler was a suspect. She beckon Sarah to come over and questioned her.

“What is this? Det. Tyler’s prints are on the door handle? Why didn’t you report it?” she questioned

“I… I…, sorry Director, I knew Det. Tyler was innocent and the results contradicts my beliefs, I don’t know what to do, I just kept mum about it.” Sarah protested.

“Who else knew about this?” she probed further

“Anna knew about it too, she told us to keep this under wraps”.

The director had to make a choice, to maintain the integrity of the evidence and the crime lab, she had no choice but to bring this matter up to the Internal Affairs Division (IAD). Tyler was suspended and off the investigation until his name could be cleared. Natalie was placed in-charge. Evan and Anna was stunned by this incident

Back in the lab, Sarah examined the empty bottles and while awaiting results, Evan dropped by and he questioned Sarah about the incident involving Tyler. 

Forensic Criminology Bureau Series "Case 1 - Silent Witness"Where stories live. Discover now