M e l t // Ikarishipping

279 11 3

The 'you' is Dawn, which means you are Dawn- like your in her perspective but not. Gets?

●Soulmate AU - You only see gray, white and black before you meet/touch your soulmate.

It was only you.
You were the lonely one, the single one- the colorblind one.
Out of all your friends, it was just you. They have all met their soulmates; May and Drew, Leaf and Gary, Serena and Ash. Heck, even Ash found his soulmate before you. That dense ash-hole (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) found his soulmate before you.
While they would stare at the colorful world around them, you were left in a dull one.

"Hey May, how does my outfit look?" You ask your friend.
"The colors don't go well together, Dawn. The orange top and the purple skirt looks kind of dumb. Sorry."
You sigh, fishing out more clothes from your bland closet. Trying on every outfit you could- from sweatpants, to a pencil skirt. You couldn't figure it out.
Finally, after what it seemed like an eternity, you managed to get an outfit on which was pleasing to the eye.
You look at yourself in the mirror, only seeing monotone colors, while most already saw 'pink, purple, blue and yellow'.

You look at yourself in the mirror, only seeing monotone colors, while most already saw 'pink, purple, blue and yellow'

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You head on out to the subway station, surrounded by strangers and couples, young and old.
You try and bring yourself out of the crowd, but try and touch as many people as possible, desperate to find your soulmate and see colors.
After a while, you managed to separate yourself from the sea of people. After all of the people you made contact with, you still only saw 1 color. You met eyes with a handsome guy, who also seemed to be looking for a soulmate. As you walk over to each other, he gets hit by a rushed beautiful girl, and the both get knocked down and look around them. He found his soulmate.
You silently curse to yourself. Of course, with your luck, someone finds there soulmate right before your eyes.
You look to the floor as tears threatened to fall. You run to a corner, but get hit by a man with purple hair.
"Pathe-" he stops. Realizing that he just hit you.
You gasp and see colors exploding around you. Red, orange, yellow- the whole rainbow! Every color is shown right before your eyes. You make eye contact with the man you hit, and you smile at him.
He grabs your hand and looks at you, examining his newly found soulmate.
"Paul." He says, waiting for a response.
You look at him confused for a second, but then realize whats happening.
"Dawn Berlitz."
"Want to get coffee or something?"
You nod. You hold his hand and head to the nearest cafe.
After chatting for a while, you realized how cold-hearted he was, but you still gave him a chance.

Little did you know, you were melting his heart with the colors you brought. This truly was love.

●Word count: 464


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