You can skip if you don't wanna see this
If you wanna skip lemme have pictures of my dog in between so you don't have a chance of seeing some T I A T S
Here is the NSFW~~~
Take note I drew these so early in the morning so they're messy and I don't regret it
Narnia is a slut and I drew her being one
She's also a kinky bitch
Choke her out she loves it
(This was meant to be Junkrat and Roadhog to be honest with you)
What even are those arms???
Fuck her haaarrrd she loves it
Also eat that shit
Narnia loves baras
That's why all the dudes are huge compared to her
They eat good and fuck hard
And that's the end of the NSFW
This is the cutest gif ever of my husband and just AAAAAAAAAAAAAA