Chapter6-Red Eyes,Precious Lies

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Andy's P.O.V-

As I awoke and opened my eyes,I realised that my Ashes wasn't in bed.

"Ashley?" I spoke, only just loud enough to be heard throughout our apartment.

"Baby?" I called again but this time louder.

I waited a couple more seconds and after no reply, felt my anxiety rise.

He wouldn't.........again...would he?

I felt the knots in my stomach tighten even more than they already had and had to stop myself from gagging. Tears began to stream down my face as I feared more and more that Ashley had left me again. I went to pick up my phone and call him..until I looked to my left and saw his blackberry on the bedside table...My heart sank six foot deep and I couldn't get out a single breath......

Ashley's P.O.V-

*2 hours later*

I stood in the apartment complex hallway and made sure the velvet box was hidden well in my back pocket. Getting everything I needed took longer than I thought but it has to be perfect.

Opening the door,I was met by the quiet sound of soft sobs coming from the bedroom. I practically sprinted down the corridor,nearly tripping over my own two feet,and burst into the room. My beautiful Andy was sat crying his eyes out,yesterday's eyeliner running down his cheeks.

"Baby?" I crawled onto the bed and pulled him into my arms "What's wrong,Ands?"

"I-I...thought you'd..left me again.." Andy started crying more and buried his face into my neck.

"Oh,Anders...I'm never going to leave you again. I promised you that and I meant it,still do. Your my world. Leaving you was the biggest mistake I've ever made." A small smile tugged at the corner of his lip as I wiped away his tears and kissed him softly.

"Then..where were you?" Andy asked,looking straight into my eyes.

Good job I came prepared....

"For these.." I giggled as I pulled the headband out of my jacket pocket.

The headband was for Halloween,it was black and had two large cat ears stuck to the top. Andy just stared at me questioningly before a grin spread across his face.

"Please tell me these are for CC's party? Like,you don't have some fucked up cat fetish right?" He chuckled as I placed them on his head.

We both broke out into hysterical laughter until Andy stopped suddenly and took my hands in his...

Hey,sorry it took so long to update. I've just had some issues lately and this was a little difficult. Comment and tell me what you thought of this n stuff,what do you think Andy's doing? Please talk to me,I'm lonely XD. Okay,I'll leave you alone now. Soo comment/vote..anything! Bye-AshleyPandy xoxo

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