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Hey,sorry I haven't updated in a while but am back. Hopefully this long-ish chapt makes up for it. Plus I've published a new Andley called Timebomb that's a NekoxVamp so you can read that if you like :3 ~AshleyPandy xoxo

Andy's P.O.V-

"This is Halloween! This is Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Hallowe-"

"ASH! You've been singing that all day,baby! I love you but please SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

It was Halloween-obviously-and we were getting ready for CC's party. I was wearing the cat ears Ashley had bought me,tight red skinny jeans,a plain black t-shirt,my old military boots and had drawn whiskers and a small cat nose on my face in black eye-liner.

Ashley wasn't done getting ready in the bedroom yet and refused to tell me about his costume. I sat on our couch,twiddling my thumbs and chewing on the ends of my hair.

"Bitches get stitches,end up in ditches!" My phone blared Botdf and I looked to see who was calling.

"Hey Jinxx!" I chimed as I answered my phone and held it to my ear.

"Hey,bro! Just making sure you and Ashley are still coming tonight!?" Jinxx yelled over extremely loud music.

I looked at the batman watch Ashley bought me for my 14th birthday and realised we were running late.

"Yeah we are,just waiting for princess to finish getting ready."

"Haha! Okay dudes,just hurry up before Jake drinks the house."

"Kay' bye Jinxx!"


I put my feet up on the coffee table and leant back into the couch,only to jump straight back up when Ash walked out of the bedroom.

He No words could explain how gorgeous he looked.

He had on really tight leather pants with corseting up the sides,no shirt (showing off his incredibly sexy 'Outlaw' tattoo),a black studded waistcoat being the only thing he wore on his torso,suede cowboy boots with star chains hung on the front and a silver star necklace thrown around his neck. However,I can't forget the best part,a black cowboy hat adorably perched on top of his head,hiding the smallest part of his face.

After gawking at him for what felt like hours,I finally managed to form a sentence "You look..r-really sexy."

"Back at ya,Pussycat." Ashley giggled lightly. I blushed and he wrapped his arms around my waist,pulling my body against his.

"Purr for me baby.." Ashley whispered in my ear seductively.

He bit and kissed softly at my neck,making me let out a deep purr of pleasure. Ashley growled against the soft flesh at the base of my throat,clearly pleased with the sound.

"Hmmm.." I groaned as I pulled away reluctantly "Baby,we're already late and if this continues we're never gonna leave this apartment."

Ashley pouted playfully and I leant forward and kissed his outstretched bottom lip.

"I love you,Ands." He said,gazing into my eyes lovingly.

"I love you too,my Outlaw."

Ashley grasped my hand lightly and lead me towards the door. Opening the door and pulling me into the small corridor,Ashley locked it again and we walked towards the stairs hand-in-hand.

So tell me what you thought? Comment,vote,follow me? Anything XD ~AshleyPandy xoxo

Youth and Whiskey-Andley-Sequel To We Stitch These WoundsWhere stories live. Discover now