Who's More Important Your Best Friend Or A Child Who Is Dieing

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"well now what am i going to do with you" i said to myself looking at Lauren who was prowling around my cave like she owned the place "i cant take you to your house because i dont know where it is and your dad would most likely shoot me on sight for turning you into a werewolf and i really cant leave you here because it is really akward not to mention that you are a WOLF. All around i'm screwed into a corner with no way to get out." i sighed "i don't suppose that YOU have any ideas"i said looking back up at Lauren hoping for the best but all i got was [grrrrrrrrrrrrrr bark]

i put my head in my hands [if only her transformation was more refined so that she could actually talk like i could when i used to transform] i thought

this also ment that i had to teach Lauren how to controle when she transformes "oh my god and this crap i'm in is all my fault why did i do it on a full moon night then i relized that Lauren doesn't have full controle of her body in this form yet so i had to make a barracade to block the entrance of my cave so i set to work keeping an eye on my watch to make sure it wasnt getting to late because i still had to get back to the hospital to check up on Angel.

.............................................................................30 minutes later........................................................................

the barracade was finished and i still had about45 minutes to get to the hospital and back home to make sure that Lauren wasnt going to destroy anything. i yelled to the back of the cave Lauren if you understand me yet stay here i will be back to check up on you situation. and then i started off towards the hospital and my mind was racing what if she doesnt make it what if she loses use of one of her legs what if..... what if...... what if.......! as i thought my walk turned into a slow jog and then my jog turned into a medium run and before i knew it i was full out sprinting. the landscape was shooting past me. i saw the hospital in the distance. i approched the hospital and slowed down as i came to the door. i walked in throught the door panting and aproached the front desk. the women sitting across the counter looked up at me and smiled "can i help you sir?" she asked

 "yes" i said trying to catch my breath "is a one Angel checked out of the emergency room i would like to see her"

she looked at her clipboard and bit her lip thinking "well yes she is out of the ER are you family?"

"well yeah i guess you could say that" i said "i'm the only one she's got as far as i know she didnt mention anyone else related to her in our conversations."

"well she is in room 1972 4th floor if you want to go up but she may be a little sensative to sound so be quiet when you get up there" she said gesturing to the elavator

"thank you ma'am"i said smilling

i climbed into the elevator it was empty so i could have some quiet myself. as i got in i herd the elevator music it was some cheesy gingle that will be engraved in my mind and will NEVER come out. the elevator dinged on the 4th floor and i walked outand looked at the door sign that said where the rooms are the signs said  <--1801-1900: 1901-2000 --> "i guess i'm going right then" i said to myself. as i walked down the hall i heard several disembodied moans coming from behind the doors witch dis-heartend me. i came up on room 1972 and i heard laughter which was oddly out of character for someone who just came out of the ER. i opend the door and saw Angel bouncing on her bed.


"why would i be resting?" asked Angel

"oh i don't know mybe because YOU GOT MAULED BY SOME CAT BEAST NOT 7 HOURS AGO I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE!!!!" i yelled

"of course i wasnt going to die silly i heal fast i once brokeevery bone in my right leg and i was better in only an hour but that is only 1!of the cool things i can do" she said giving me a very childish smile

i sighed and started walking toward her "ok since you are"fine" lets get you outa here come on" i said holding out my hand to help her down

"ok if i have to" she said dissapointed grabing my hand and jumping down

as we walked down the hall the moans were less promanent and it was acually eary in the hallway instead of anoying like it was when i came up [i wonder what happend] i thought but as we reached the elavator i thought nothing more about it because as we got to the elavator the door opend and 2 dark shady men carying clubs walked out "excuse me sir could you please tell me why you removed this patiant from her room?" the one on the right asked

"uh did you see what she was doing before i came to get her?" i asked back

"yes" the one on the right responded "she was laying in her bed peacefully sleeping and then you came in and carried her out"

"what are you talking about when i came in she was jumping on her bed laughing" i responded exasperated

"we have been inspecting her room all evining since she came in we have been making sure her heartrate remained stable"the man on the left said advancing on me

"well as you can see she is up and moving see" i said pointing at Angel who wasn't there but she was indeed moving...............................about 75mph down the hall towards the window at the end of the hall. i emediatly sprinted after her i knew running was just going to make things worse but i would have to deal with those things later right now i need to run for my safty away from two burly guys who probably couldnt break over 20 feet per hour and as i ran angel got closer and closer to me til i was about to pass her in which i picked her up and ran the next 37 feet and jumped out the window covering angel with my vest to protect her from the shards that scattered around me. as i fell thoughts ran through my mind about how to get away from that place as fast as possible and when my feet hit the ground i was off towards the forest not even pausing to look behind me to see if i was being pursued by anyone or anything but i had to make it back to my cave before i get in anymore trouble then i am in already. and now i really need to see if Laurin is still in the cave and more importantly if she is alive.

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