Chapter 2

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After inhaling the waffles and milkshakes (the band had collectively choked nearly seven times in their haste to get more of the delicious, home-made pancakes into their mouth), the band went back to their hotel room in L.A., where they checked what time their flight was supposed to arrive. Their flight back to Baltimore was scheduled to take off at 7:30.

It was currently 3:37pm.

Rian and Cassadee went on a date and Zach went out... somewhere. It was just Alex and Jack in the hotel room.

"What do you wanna do?" Alex asked Jack, who was currently sprawled on one of the two hotel beds. The four boys switched who shared a bed with who every night. Jack had a brilliant idea.
"Alex!" He exclaimed. "We're Home Alone!" Jack had a laughing fit on the bed and Alex couldn't help but laugh too. "Nice one, Jack-o." He gave Jack a high-five.

After not much debate, Home Alone was put on one of the televisions. Alex and Jack both climbed up onto the bed in front of the screen and sat next to each other, watching the movie.

It was not very long before Jack was leaning on Alex's shoulder, asleep, and Alex resting his head on Jack's, also asleep. The movie had finished and Alex had an arm around Jack. Zach and Rian walked into to hotel and "awwed", and snapped a picture. Jack shifted and Alex awoke, slightly twisting his neck due to the aches that popped up there, before noticing his guitarist and drummer standing at the end of the bed, watching him. He glanced to his side and saw Jack, cuddled up beside him, and smiled a little.

"This is a little stalkerish, don't you think? Very Edward Cullen of you." He smirked, keeping his voice low, and shifting carefully as to not to jostle Jack.

"It was not!" Rian exclaimed indignantly, a scowl temporarily forming on his face. "But Alex" he said with his grin back in full force, "You totally have a thing for Jack!" Rian remarked triumphantly. Alex felt the heat creep up his neck. "I- I do not!" He said, annunciating not. "He has a thing for you, 'Lex. I think anyone could notice that. You shouldn't act like you don't care about him, it'll hurt him." Zach pointed out.

Alex ran his fingers through Jack's hair, careful to not wake him, but his brown eyes fluttered open.

"Heya Jack-o," Alex said and smiled, taking his arm back as Jack sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Hi, 'Lex." Zach looked at his phone for a time check. "Uh... hate to break things up, but we need to be at the airport soon because our flight leaves in an hour." Jack swore and jumped out of bed, Alex following suit. They quickly changed and grabbed their bags and bolted out of the hotel room. Zach and Rian exchanged a look of amusement and followed the other two boys to where their L.A. car was.

Rian drove again, and Jack and Alex were in the backseat, all of the bands' stuff in the trunk. After a few months in L.A., the boys were happy to be going back to Baltimore for a white Christmas.

They arrived at the airport after a few minutes, and did all the necessary things done to await a plane. Jack had brought a guitar with him, so he whipped that out and started playing a song. Alex joined in on the song, singing. Rian found something to hit and pulled out his favourite drum sticks. Zach had sung the back-up lyrics.

By the end of the song, everyone in the airport were staring at them. Some people came up to them and gave them some money - they wouldn't accept more than a few dollars from each person. A few girls even came up silently, as to not draw attention to themselves, and asked the band for an autograph, saying either they were a fan or their friend was a huge fan. An announcement came on, calling for everyone in first class to board the flight to Baltimore.

After finally having their boarding passes scanned, they walked down the passageway that allowed the airport terminal to connect to the plane, finally glancing at their tickets. after checking with the rest of the band, it was confirmed that Jack and Alex were seated together, and Zach and Rian sat about five seats behind them.

They arrived at their respective seats, Alex and Jack considerably quicker than Rian and Zach, mostly due to the fact that Zach had to help the little old lady in the seat in front of his put her carry-on in the compartment.

Once they were all finally situated, Alex's phone buzzed.

Good luck! -RiGuy

Screw you -Alex

Sorry, but you're not my type. Jack sure would like to tho ;) -RiGuy

The flight attendant made an announcement that they will be taking off soon and to shut off their cell phones. Everyone did so after typing out one last message, or quickly ending a call, with a monotone flight safety video playing in the background. Jack tapped Alex's shoulder; he had the aisle seat. "Hm?" Alex questioned, glancing at Jack. Jack leaned in close to Alex's ear, his breath tickling it. Alex felt the heat on his neck start to creep up again and he suppressed a shiver. Then Jack whispered something that Alex had to strain to hear.


Trying to hold in his laughter and keep the flush hidden, Alex high-fived his friend. Seconds after, the plane took off and, soon after, it was flying steadily, finally allowing the passengers to take their belts off and walk around if need be. However, by this time, Jack had fallen asleep in his chair. Alex carefully unbuckled him so that he could adjust his position (seriously, that could not be comfortable for his neck), and pulled him over gently so that Jack's head was resting on his shoulder. Alex absentmindedly stroked his hair while he slept soundly.

Jack was awoken suddenly by someone shaking him. He grunted and swatted at the hands. "Five more minutes..." He groaned, and the person shaking him chuckled. "Five more minutes and you'll be back in the air, back to L.A.!"

Jack jolted up. "You mean we landed?" His voice was considerably more excited. "Yup, and now we gotta get our stuff. Hurry up, Sleeping Dickwad."

Rian laughed and received a punch to the shoulder. Jack raced off the plane, through the terminal and into the airport. He rushed over to the luggage, trying to find his own, and the rest of the boys struggled to keep up. Well, all but Zach, who easily caught up.

Once they had dragged their luggage off of the conveyor belt, the boys navigated the terminal and finally walked outside. "Home sweet Baltimore," Jack sing-songed, looking around at the freshly fallen snow that littered the ground, making the town look like a cloud. Rian and Zach's parents were there waiting for them, and Jack's sister, May, was waving from beside her car. "See you all later," Zach said, walking towards his parents' car. Jack shouted a goodbye and ran to his sister, giving her a signature Barakat hug. Rian gave Alex a bro-hug and went to meet his parents as well. After they had all left, Alex walked to the airport parking lot to get his own car, knowing that his dad was spending this year with Helen and Jilan. Unlike the rest of the band, Alex was spending Christmas "break" with Peyton and Sebastian.

His dogs, not his family.

And a Very Merrick Christmas to You, Too! [Jalex]Where stories live. Discover now