the goodbye - one.

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"were moving!" the dreaded words i never wanted to hear. i dash up the stairs, down the hall to the left where my room is, was. i throw myself down, face-first, into my bed and start sobbing. i was finally getting used to being here. i have friends and a boyfriend, who i think i love. i don't want to leave them. i stop crying, knowing i need to tell him, i clean myself up, get dressed in real clothes. i send a text his way.

we need to talk. - sun

setting my phone back down, I quickly wash my face and throw on a short layer of makeup, nothing too serious but enough to make it look like I'm not completely dead and I wasn't just crying my heart out. my phone buzzes.

about what? is something wrong? - zach

I don't answer his questions. something is wrong, but he doesn't need to worry.

meet me in bed stuy, our usual place. 1pm. - sun

I sit in my room until noon, waiting until my parents are busy enough to not notice me slip out of the house. it takes about an hour to get to bed stuy, depending on the traffic. I get in my car as quietly as possible, drive off to our spot. as I arrive to the old abandoned park, I see him walking down the street in my direction.

I sit in my car, gathering my thoughts, before slowing stepping out. this could be one of my last times here.

"hey sun, whats up? why'd you wanna meet? is something wrong?" he says walking up and giving me a hug. I sigh quietly.

"zach, I gotta tell you something," I say, walking away and towards the swings. he followed closely behind.

"okay... this doesn't sound good," now he's the one who sighs, sitting down on the swing next to me. were silent for a few minutes. I don't know what to say. do I just come right out and say hey I'm moving three states away, and I don't know if i'll ever see you again, but that doesn't mean we have to break up. no.

"so... I don't know how to tell you this but," I pause, "my parents are making us move to Michigan. I don't want to go but theres nothing I can do." I look down at my feet as I finish speaking. he doesn't say anything right away, we sit in silence.

"but... you cant go, you're mine, you cant just leave like this." he stands up, I can tell he's getting a little angry.

"I have to. I leave in a week..." I'm now standing too. I can't believe this is actually happening.

"that soon? what are we gonna do? that's not enough time." he says quickly, as if, any second, someone will steal me away.

"i know. i haven't told anyone else. maybe we could all get together and spend some time
together. i can text them now." i say placing my hand on my back pocket where my phone is, ready to grab it. he nods and sits back down with me.

hey guys. i need to talk to you all. let's meet at the pink motel.

i send it as a group text, i quickly get a few okay's and a see you there

we get in my car, sitting there for awhile before actually leaving. the car ride was silent, besides my few road rage comments. we quickly get there, as it's only about a ten minute drive. this hotel is abandoned and has been for awhile.

my friends start showing up a few minutes later, one after the other. after all of them
we're here, we sat down on the trunk of my car.

"listen... my parents are making us move." I say quicker than last time.

"what? where?"


"oh my god"

"im moving to michigan in a week." everyone is pretty shocked. I sure didn't see this coming.

"why would they move you guys? i thought they liked it here?" aria says, looking up at me.

"who fuckin' knows, they didn't tell me." i shrug, looking around the room.

"well fuck. we need to make some memories," garrett laughs a little. i get up and grab my keys, turning the car on and put on the radio.

zach and i sit in the front seat, as the others sit around outside talking and skating around in the drained pool.

it's starting to get dark, but none of us what to go home. jax decided to go to the mart down the street and get some beers and other various alcohol. when he gets back, we decided to break into one of the rooms, room 93. to our surprise, it was still fully furnished, i guess the owner just up and left.

we start drinking, slowing get tipsy, then drunk. dani and cora are taking pictures saying "we'll never look this good again" and "making memories to last forever" and other cheesy things.

we all start to play spin the bottle, when zach steps out to smoke. it was my turn to spin, and the bottle landed on garrett. right as we kiss, zach walks back in. i stop immediately and just look at him. we're just playing a game and we're drunk. i don't see why it's such a big deal, but he storms out. i'm too wasted to chase after him, so i just lay on the bed, waiting for him to come back.

i must have fallen asleep because i wake up to the sun shining in my face and everyone pasted out around me. i look around for zach, i don't see him anywhere. he must have gone home.

i reach over to check my phone and i see i have several missed calls and texts from my family asking where i was, and why i wasn't home.

i'm fine. i crashed at dani's. i'll be home later.

i send the text and then i see a car pull into the parking lot.

"guys wake up!!! there's a car! we need to go!" i panic and grab all my stuff, including all the polaroids, and dash out the back door and to my car, shortly followed by the rest of them. i speed off, stopping at the mart to grab some painkillers and water for everyone since we're all clearly hung over.

i hand everyone there waters and pills as i climb back into the drivers seat and drive off, dropping everyone off near their houses. i thought about zach a lot on the car ride home, wondering why he left without telling anyone, or why i didn't go after him when he left the room.

"why the hell didnt you tell anyone you were leaving? why didn't you text when you didn't come home?" my mom started yelling right and i walked in the door. i ignore her questions and go to my room, finding a bunch of boxes laying on the bed ready to be packed. i sigh and turn on my music, and start to pack some of the easy stuff.

i haven't heard from anyone since this morning. i wonder how they are, if they are sleeping or if they got in trouble like i did.


hey guys! this was a pretty shitty first chapter but the next one will hopefully be better. she'll be moving in the next one, so this was just kind of a filler/back story. hope you enjoyed it and keep reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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