20-A Spoonful of Wartcap Powder

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"Excuse me!"

Madam Pomfrey, looking utterly scandalized, swept in front of Sirius, blocking his entry. "I cannot let you in—"

"I have an injury, see?" Sirius held up his hand, upon which a tiny drop of blood gleamed. "I must lie down."

"That does not require—"

Sirius ambled over to the bed next to Remus's. "Madam Pomfrey, we all know how this will end."

"Oh, very well," she snapped. "One hour. Then back to class with you."

And hissing obscenities under her breath, she disappeared into her chambers.

Remus cracked an eyelid. "You are the most stubborn—"

"—and wonderful human. I know," Sirius smiled. "But I'll be sitting there, worried, if I don't come and see you."

Remus's scarred lips twitched into a small smile. "I'm sorry, I've been vile all morning."

"You have. But it's all right." Sirius slid off his bed and perched on the edge of Remus's. "I know how you get at this time of the month."

Like clockwork, Madam Pomfrey's head popped out the door. "Get into your own bed," she snarled. "Or go back to class."

Sirius retreated into his own bed, but as soon as she was gone, he pushed his bed next to Remus's.

"Sirius," Remus protested, but it turned into a yawn.

"You're tired," Sirius said, kicking off his shoes and flopping onto the bed. He rolled to face Remus. "Go to sleep, Moony."

"It's not every day I get to lie here and stare at you." Remus turned scarlet. "Wow. Forget that slipped out."

Sirius smiled. One hand involuntarily reached up to stroke Remus's hair, which blurred into his face, and his neck, and without bothering to check if Madam Pomfrey was watching, Sirius's lips were on Remus's, and they were pressed together on the slight gap between the stiff, lumpy hospital wing beds.

"You idiot," Remus mumbled. Sirius waited to see if he'd roll away, but he didn't.

"I love you," Sirius whispered. "I don't care if I never kiss you again, I need you to know that I love you."


The tiniest creak from the door sent them flying apart. But it was just a slight breeze, and they chuckled as the curtains blew in the wind.

"I love you too, you know," Remus said sleepily.

Later, Madam Pomfrey found them curled up together, both of them fast asleep, with Sirius's head on Remus's shoulder.


"I hope everything's okay," James said anxiously. "He's usually back by now."

"He's probably asleep. Or they're making out," Lily said matter-of-factly, giving her cauldron six stirs counterclockwise and adding a spoonful of Wartcap powder. "Merlin, this stuff is gross."

"Brilliant as always, Miss Evans," Slughorn smiled as he passed by, glancing into her cauldron. As soon as he was out of earshot, James turned to Lily.

"But Sirius said—"

"Yeah, Sirius says a lot of things," Lily told him. "Trust me, it isn't over."

"He said it was," James mumbled.

Lily sighed. "I feel bad for Remus, you know," she said. "Obviously he's got a reason he doesn't want to be in a relationship with Sirius, and he's got this emotional burden on top of his usual one. I almost wish Sirius would stop visiting Remus in the hospital wing if I didn't know that Remus wanted him there."

"Are you joking? Sirius would be ripping the room apart right now, either as Padfoot or not." James checked for eavesdroppers, but everyone was engaged in conversation. "He needs Moony."

Lily gave a little hum. "I hope everything ends up okay."

James snorted.

"What?" Lily glanced up at him.

"Why Moony?" James asked. "I always thought if Sirius might fancy me."

Lily burst out laughing. "James Potter, you are the most egocentric person I have ever met."

"He's all stringy—and—"

"You didn't just call Remus Lupin stringy," Lily said.

"He is! He's all stringy and wiry."

Lily shook her head, her red mane coming out of its careful ponytail. "Oh, that's perfect," she grumbled, attempting to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear with her wrist, not wanting Wartcap powder in her hair.

"Here." James stepped forward and gathered her hair into a simple braid, securing it with a twist tie summoned from the next table.

"Thanks." Lily kissed him quickly, checking to make sure Slughorn wasn't watching. "So, during lunch, we collect Sirius and get moving with the prank?"

"And with any luck, Moony will be able to join us," James said. "Imagine, having you and Moony with us. We can accomplish anything."

Lily laughed. "You have so much faith in me. It's quite flattering, actually."

"Hey," Peter complained from the next table, where Cecily Carthowler, next to him, was staring at James. "Do me a favor and stop flirting over there, I'm trying to make a potion."

A Siriusly Good Prank (Marauders/Jily/Wolfstar)Where stories live. Discover now