Borrowed a Blue Pen

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:Abe's POV:

Time seemed to be going painfully slow today as I waited for my math class to finish up. I know what you're thinking, "Aren't nerds supposed to like school?" Well, newsflash buddy, I hate school as much as the next guy. Sure, you may hate it 'cause you don't understand it. But I hate it because I do understand it. Having to listen to the teacher repeat a simple math problem for the eighth time to the meathead who, might I add, should have learned how to add and subtract negatives in elementary school. I'm looking at you, David; really grinds my gears. So here I am, waiting for the doofus next to me to figure out that the answer is Y=-3 and then get on with my life.

To pass the time, I decided to do the only thing I ever do when I'm bored. Draw.

I quickly got out a black pen, trying to figure out what to draw. I couldn't think of anything at the top of my head, so I went with my go-to. A rose. I began to sketch out the flower, beginning at the middle of my hand and slowly wrapping out. I stopped once I almost hit my knuckle, feeling as if it wasn't complete. I needed to add some shadowing and color, so I searched my bag for a blue pen. I dug for about a minute in the black hole called my backpack, only to be greeted with disappointment and an even messier backpack. I huffed, knowing that I went through all of that hard work for nothing, and searched the room for someone with a blue pen.

Don't worry, I'll give it back.

Luckily for me, the only person near me who had a blue pen was Reid Fisher, the only person in the world who has ever scared me shitless. Literally. It was in second grade and I really don't want to talk about it.

He sat in the chair that was in the column next to me, and one row up. He was currently tugging on his leather jacket's left sleeve. Weirdo. While he was distracted with... whatever he was doing, I swiftly ducked out of my chair and snatched the pen. When I slid back into my seat, my whole body felt cold as I thought about what may have happened if I got caught. I looked over at the man again to see if he caught onto my plan, only to see a rose on the dude's left hand that looked oddly similar to my own. Huh. Reid doesn't seem like the type of guy to go doodling on his arm. Especially flowers. I shrugged it off as a weird coincidence and began to shade the rose until I was satisfied. Once complete, I added my signature to the corner of my hand- quit making fun of me- and went to put the pen back on Reid's desk.

Everything was going swimmingly until I saw what the guy was looking at. Not only was the flower colored the exact same, it also had my signature sprawled​ next to the drawing. Well isn't this just dandy.

I don't know what was worse: the fact that my soulmate was most likely the guy that everybody was terrified of; or the way that said person was looking at the drawing. If looks could kill, I'm pretty sure that the guy's hand would have been lopped off and flung to the other side of the room; hitting some students along the way.

Not wanting to have to deal with Reid and the fact that he, oh y'know, might be my flipping​ soulmate, I quickly noped out of that ordeal and stumbled back into my seat, praying for the class to be over soon.

:Reid's POV:


This stupid soulmate is drawing on their body again. Isn't it like, against the rules to draw on your body without the other's consent? Oh wait, that's just with tattoos. Shit. This stupid world and it's stupid fate- WHY CAN'T I PICK MY OWN GOD DAMN SOULMATE! Alright- chill, Reid- don't want another tantrum happening like in second grade.

The biggest problem I have with this whole soulmate mumbo-jumbo is that I already have someone I want to be with. Abe Gibson. I've had a crush on this kid since I first learned how to love. He probably has someone who's really cute, sweet, and overall perfect for a soulmate. Otherwise not me. Abe deserves someone like that. And it pisses me off. This drawing on my skin just proves that I can never be together with him. That he probably won't ever even know that I felt like this for him. And I'm afraid that my love for my soulmate won't be as strong for them as it is for Abe.

I snapped out of my depressing thoughts when I heard clattering behind me. I turned around to see Abe stuffing his face into his hands. I may or may not have stared at him for a moment too long for it to be deemed 'socially acceptable,' so I turned back to look at the front of the class and waited for the period to end.


Welp! Here's the beginning of the story.
I had originally wanted to do something a little more serious than this, but that plan has obviously backfired. :/
This is my first published story here on Wattpad, so sorry if it's a load of bull.
I give up on crap really quickly, so I wouldn't be surprised if I crushed your guys' dreams by not updating. But I'll try to, especially if people are actually going to read it.
Critiques are always welcomed, even if it's just a spelling or grammatical error.
Welp off to the next chapter! Hope you enjoy!

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