Telling Friends About the Problem

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:Abe's POV:

"I swear to god Abe, if you're making up this stupid story, I will beat your ass so hard-"

"It's not! I swear! Reid had the exact same drawing on his hand. Even the initials!" I lifted up my hand again to show to my friend, El.

"Hmph, how do I know you're not lying?" She asked, folding her arms and peering at me.

"Because you trust me and know I wouldn't make this stuff up?" I questioned.

El just rolled her eyes and went back to eating her meal. Bitch. My other friend, Llyr, seemed to have taken much more interest than El. He started to stare me down, until he finally spoke. "Why don't you ask?"

"Ask who?" Me and El questioned.

Llyr rolled his eyes. "I mean ask your soulmate. It's pretty easy to communicate." Me and El raised our eyebrows. Sure it wasn't as if it was illegal to communicate with your soulmate. But if you do, people usually think you're a really needy person, so most avoid doing it.

"You've done it before, haven't you Llyr." El smirked.

"I did, but they didn't answer." Llyr shrugged.

We all sat still for a moment, till El finally broke the silence. "So... What are you gonna write to them?"

:Reid's POV:

I was chatting with my friends when I felt a familiar pressure upon my wrists. Expecting a weird doodle of Cthulhu in a speedo, I glanced down at my wrists, only to see letters forming into a word.


"Blaine, hand me a pen." I told my friend. He tossed me one without any questions and I began to write on my arm.


'This is Reid right?'

Well they went straight to the point.

'How the hell do you know that?'

There was a pause; making me even more anxious with the whole "my soulmate knows who I am" thing.

'Well... Hey there. I'm your soulmate I guess.'

I scoffed. 'No shit, Sherlock,' I paused for a second before continuing, 'How do you know who I am?'

'I saw my drawing on your hand.'

I scoffed. Of course.

'Well can I know who you are?'

"Hey dude, what are you doing?" Blaine asked me. I sighed and showed him my arm so he can read. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows, questions forming in his mouth.

I cut him off before he could ask them. "No, dude, I know just as much as you do. I'll tell you everything when it's done." He just nodded and went back to scrolling on his phone. I turned my head back to my arm. The mystery person had already answered my question.

'I would... But I'm kinda afraid you'll beat me up.'

'I won't, although, if you don't tell me I'll figure out who you are and personally drag your ass to hell.'

'Well, don't I have a sweetheart for a soulmate?'

Okay, that one made me laugh.

'Just tell me.'

'Fine. It's Abe Gibson.'



'Oh lordy. Please don't beat me up.'

'No that's not it. It's just... Seriously?'

'Oh no. You hate me don't you?'

'No. Not at all. Just... Could you meet up with me? In front of the school?'

Abe didn't answer for a couple minutes, so I took that time to explain to Blaine. He already knew about my crush on Abe, so he just gave me a huge grin, smacked my back, and told me, "Go get 'im, tiger."

I slowly made my way to the front of the school, heaving a big breath to calm my nerves, and looked around for my supposed soulmate.

:No POV:

When Abe first spotted Reid, he was completely terrified of how this situation was going to go down. Would he accept me? Would he beat me to a bloody pulp? The questions rang around in his head until he finally reached Reid. Of course, he had told his friends to look for him if he didn't return after the bell range, because, it's Reid for Christ's sakes. Abe slowly walked up to the man, and poked his shoulder to get his attention.

Reid felt a tap on his shoulder, and turned to see the most beautiful person looking right at him. Abe's curly, dusty brown hair was sticking in every direction, making him look impossibly cuter. And his pale green eyes seemed to shine even brighter when he looked up at Reid. As Reid fought the urge to smash his lips onto the slightly smaller man's own, he began to speak. "Soooo... Soulmates huh?"

"Seems so." The other replied.

As the two waited in a very awkward silence, Abe took the time to look over his newfound future lover. He was a few inches taller than Abe, and had brushed back hair that was the same shade of black as his jacket. His eyes were a stormy grey color, and his skin was a beautiful deep olive. Abe could feel himself swooning over the man infront of him, so he tried to regain control over himself.

"Should we start off slow? I mean- just start hanging out. Then see where it goes?" Reid offered.

Abe looked to the ground and began to chuckle. "Yeah, sure. I'd love that."

"What's so funny?" Reid raised an eyebrow.

Abe snickered, "You just don't seem like the type of person to want to take it slow. That's all."

Reid shrugged, then placed his hand on Abe's shoulder. "Let's get going before lunch ends."

"Okay," Abe looked up at the man, "see you tomorrow?"

Reid smirked. "Definitely."


Ok. Two short chapters down.
Hope you guys are enjoying it so far.
For the two hottie biscottis above, idk anything about them or who they are, all I know is... THEY CAPTURE EVERYTHING ABOUT MY TWO LITTLE MEN WITH JUST THEIR EYES!!! And sorry about the watermark. I ain't gonna pay two bucks just to remove some dumb pic•collage in the corner of my photo. Welp, let's get on with life, shall we?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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