The Game Keeper

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Here is the warning that I put on every one of these games. I don't not recommend playing these because they could be a threat to your health and safety. I advise you think about and know exactly what your getting into when you begin these games.

This game is rather basic

What you get from completing the task could be a reward or a curse. It all depends on how you look at it.

The first things you will need is an aged sheet of copy paper, an object that you held dear in your early childhood (such as a stuffed animal or blanket, or necklace), and a sample of your own blood or a way to obtain your own blood (you will only need a drop)

Once you obtain these you must wait till 10:00 p.m. And you must walk up to your front door (back facing it) and simply say
"I request an audience with the Game Keeper" (don't turn around yet) you must remain at your front door until 10:05 p.m.
(Turn around and open the front door)

You will then see the Game keeper standing a short distance from your house (about 10 yards or so)

You must now slowly and calmly approach him. As you do this he will gesture a hand towards you. You must give him your object and the aged sheet of copy paper. He will have a faded black hood, and black jeans on, you will not be able to see his face for he does not have one.... Just two ominous black eyes... (Do not make direct eye contact with him or he will gouge your eyes out)

He will examine the object and paper and will then ask you three deep and personal questions. You must answer truthfully or he will remove the object you gave him from his own hand revealing your own still beating heart, and you will slowly begin to black out....

If he asks a question that you just don't know the answer to then simply say "I do not understand the question I have been asked"
If you did understand the question but utterly lied to the Game Keeper he will turn the paper for you to read "You Lied" and you will slowly loose all feeling in your body....

If you told the truthful answer to each of The Game Keeper's questions he will then show you the other side of the paper you gave him
Revealing a contract. The only signature he will accept will be a drop of your own blood. Refuse to sigh or fail to supply him with the signature and he will brutally murder you.

After you have signed then you now work for The Game Keeper. The is your reward.

Every three months you must supply him with a new game that will then be turned into reality and those who play it will experience everything you plotted out for the game. Failure to supply one game every three months for the next three years.... You will mysteriously disappear without a trace. Give The Game Keeper a game early and you will be rewarded with extended time to complete your next game. To summon the Game Keeper you must be alone and say "I request an audience with The Game Keeper" and then give him the steps and tasks and rewards to your game.

Your basic reward is for three years you could create these games. If there is already an existing game similar to the ones you give to The Game Keeper, the he will reject the game you have given him and be forced to replace it.

When the three years are over you will be released from the contract and continue your everyday life.

For your own safety do not participate in these games.

I am Dred and this is Creepypasta Games

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