Chapter 17 - Don't Believe That

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"Okay, so what if I slipped Veritasserum in their drink..." I muttered, staring at my Potions homework. "But then they could tell everyone and there's the matter of stealing it..."

"You're still going on about the Marauders?" Alice said in disbelief. "Who cares if they have a secret?"

"I care. And they want to find out about my father so I will find out what those idiots are hiding." They looked at me with amusement.

"Aren't you getting a bit obsessed about the Marauders?" Lily asked.

"I'm not obsessed!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm- You're obsessed!" I pointed at Lily and grinned.

She frowned and Marlene and Alice laughed. "Wait what?"

"I know what you should do." I looked at Marlene. "You should give up and tell them you don't care." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have any theories about their secret then?" Alice questioned.

I frowned. "Well, all I know... is that something happens once a month. The four of them do something once a month."

"Is that it?"

I nodded and sighed.

"You know, Sev has this theory about them." Lily said, frowning, I looked at her.

"What is it?" She shook her head.

"I don't know." I sighed and considered that she could be lying, but I decided not to question it.

"Let's just say you're all being idiots and we should head to Defence Against the Dark Arts." Lily concluded and grabbed all her stuff.

"I agree with you, except for the first part."

I sat down besides Marlene as Professor Greengrass started handing back our homework results. He walked over to my desk and handed back an essay.

"Good work Ms Fall." Professor Greengrass said. "You looking at an Acceptable or Exceeds Exceptions.. I say you're doing well in this class. But you aren't doing so well in the practical...because-"

"Because I can't defeat a boggart." I sighed.

"Well yes... anyway here is your paper." He walked off and I sighed.

I looked around and my eyes landed on the Marauders. James was drawing something on a spare piece of parchment, Sirius was looking around with a bored expression, Peter was looking through his work and Remus had his head on the desk, trying not to fall asleep. Remus looked sick again, he was very pale which made his scars on his face stand out, his hair was messy and almost matched James's hair and he looked very tired. I sighed.

"Now today, we'll be moving on from Boggarts and onto our next subject." Professor Greengrass said, walking to the front. "Werewolves." The Marauders, except for Remus all grinned and looked at each other, like they've been waiting for the class for ages. Remus however groaned silently and put his head in his hands, hiding his face from others.

"But firstly, what is a werewolf?" Professor Greengrass asked. Many people put their hands up, including me, James and Sirius, surprising everyone in the class.

Professor nodded to me, waiting for my answer. "A werewolf, is a muggle or a wizard that can transform into a beast once a month, on a full moon." I answered loudly.

"Very good. What is a werewolf described to be like?"

"Werewolves are described to be monstrous creatures-" Suddenly, James stood up furiously and everyone turned to him.

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