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"Tris wake up!"

I opened my eyes, my vision is a bit blurry but clear enough for me to see what's going on.

I can feel my dad shake my body. I tried to move a muscle but I can't. They were too heavy. It felt like I've been mounted on the ground.

The surrounding was red. Covered with fire and fallen debris.

I saw my dad in my peripheral view. I turn my head in his direction.

My heart broke when I saw my mom lying on the ground, dead.

I can see my dad crying, trying to wake mom. My tears fell.

I tried to crawl on the ground to reach them.

My tears can't stop falling.

Dad went to approach me. I can hear him cry. I can feel his warm tears falling on my cheeks.

He then covered me with a something heavy and hard cloth like material.

After that, it was silent. I can hear the noise of the burning woods. I see nothing.

I closed my eyes.

Then suddenly, I heard an explosion, and another, then another again.

The world is in chaos.


I was shocked when I woke up in a house unfamiliar to me.

Where am I?

I tried to lift my body. They were a bit heavy but I manage to lift them.

I tried looking around. It was a plain room, decorated with brown wallpaper. It smells like wood.

I sat on the bed and tried to remember what happened.

All I can remember is an explosion wiped our house into pieces.

"Glad you're awake" a voice of a man said from the opposite side of the door.

I wasn't familiar with that voice. It's not my dad nor my uncle either.

The door opened and a bearded man entered the room with a glass of water.

Shocked. I pressed myself on the corner of the room.

"Who are you?" I blurted. "Where am I?"

"I'm Noel, you're in my house. Don't worry you're safe here"

"How long did I stayed here?"

"Don't worry, you've been only asleep for like 16 hours"

Im trying to remember what happened last night. How did I get here?

"My son, Hector saw you" The old man said.

He placed the glass of water in a small table.

I'm puzzled and confused.

"W-what happened?" I asked.

He looked at me seriously.

"The other day, the 2nd invasion started. Aliens blew up District 7 (our district) no one survived except you" His tone is serious.

"My son saw you wounded and covered with an explosion proof blanket. And this was on your palm"

He gave me a dog tag.

I burst into tears after seeing it was my dad's.

I remembered what happened. My dad tried to protect me, my mom died. They both tried to save me.

"Here, drink" he said in a comforting tone then offered me a glass of water.

My heart is filled with pain and sadness. I wish they were still alive.



That's all for now.

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