It Is Destined... [ EXO Luhan Fanfiction ] Min Hee's (Your) POV

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It's been 3 months since he's been there, laying on the hospital bed. Countless times have I went to go visit him with hopeful eyes, anticipating the day for him to wake up. It shouldn't be this way. No... It shouldn't...

(3 months ago)

April 20th. The day of both our births, and the day we got together. I picked out a nice tie for my Luhan oppa to celebrate our 4th anniversary at his favourite shop, and told the cashier to wrap it up. As cheerful as ever, I swung the bag that contained my present for him back and forth, then realized that I should remind him about our date tonight. I took out my cell phone and dialed his number. The line went through quickly. No doubt he was waiting for my phone call. How cute.

"Luhan oppa, is that you?" I asked, knowing what the answer will obviously be.

"Of course, honey," he replied in his sweet, soothing voice, "What did you call me for?"

I laughed, "Just reminding you about our date today. Where are you?"


"At..." I looked around me and spotted him just around the corner, crossing the road, "The restaurant we booked tonight?"

"How did you kn-" 

All of a sudden, I heard a screech through the phone and I couldn't believe my eyes. A black van had hit him and he wasn't moving. I ran towards the scene of the accident and knelt beside him. A puddle of red fluid had surrounded him. I shook him, hoping that it was just a dirty old prank he decided to pull on me.

"Luhan? It isn't funny, baby..." 

No movement.

"SOMEBODY CALL A DOCTOR! PLEASE!" I screamed at the crowd that was filming everything while tears rolled down my cheeks, "Luhan, don't sleep. Stay with me, Luhan."


The tune from my cell phone snapped me back to reality. "Hello?" I answered it glumly, without any bright tone in my voice. But the content from the call got my attention, and I stormed out of my house, racing to the hospital. Knowing the map of the hospital by heart now, I quickly darted to the floor of my destination.

Tears fell as I rushed to the room where he was hospitalized. Sehun was in front of the door, quite surprised by the little amount of time I used to get there.

"Is he... really... awake?" I breathed, trying to catch my breath from running.

He nodded, then grabbed my shoulders, "Remember, Min Hee, that he hasn't fully recovered yet. Don't take anything personal, okay?"

I didn't really get what was happening nor what he meant by that, but I nodded anyways and slowly pushed the door open. There he was, sitting on the bed. I raced to him and gave him the first long, sincere hug in months.

"Oppa... Are you alright?" I asked as I let go, still not believing that he was, indeed, awake and alive in front of my own eyes. But the joy and relief went away as he stared at me with cold, lonely eyes.

"Luhan... oppa?" I tried again, hoping for a response.

". . . Who are you?"

I looked at Sehun wide-eyed. He nodded and took a deep sigh. I got what it meant.

"I'm Min Hee, your girlfriend? Do you not remember me?"

He shook his head as quickly as my last call to him went through, and I could be sure he was telling the truth.

"It's ok, we can take things slow. I'll make you remember me. I can. You just need--" I forced self-comforting words through my voice that was cracking and held his hand in mine, "You just need some time, that's all... Right?"

Luhan gave me a long, hollow stare in the eyes and awkwardly pulled his hand out. "I'm sorry. I just completely forgot about you. Do you... think you can move on with life and forget about me?"

Do you think you can move on with life ...  Do you think you can move on with life . . . Move on with life. . . The words he said kept ringing in my head and lingered there for a while.

"It's just that... I feel like it's not fair to you if I make you wait for me, since who knows how long this is going to take..." he continued,"I'm sorry..."

"No problem... I understand." I stood up, feeling worse than before, and headed for the door lifelessly, stumbling out the doorway. I tripped and fell and was caught by Sehun.

"Are you alright? I'm sure he doesn't mean it. Just give him some time," he tried comforting me with effort. I completely broke down and bawled in the middle of the hallway, my lone voice echoeing through the distance.

The next three days I secretly sent necessities to Luhan through the boys of EXO, and on the fourth day, Luhan wasn't there anymore.

"Where is he?" I asked, bewildered.

"He was released by the hospital. Just went out," replied Kai.

I dashed to the main entrance and looked around, trying to find him. I knew I wasn't supposed to care this much about him. He had nothing to do with me anymore, but I couldn't help myself. Finally, I found him, walking across the streets. A few good metres away from him was another black van. Fearing the worst, I yelled out his name at the top of my lungs, chasing him. He turned back, smiling once he saw me. Everything was happening too fast and just as the black van met us, I pushed him out of the way and then everything went black.

My body was paralyzed and I couldn't feel anything. All I remember was his arms around me, hands painted with red, lips forming the words I'm been dying to hear for these few days. I could read them mouthing "Min Hee". With the last bit of strength, I whispered, "Do you... remember me... now?"

I felt the gentle touch of his cherry red lips on my forehead and heard a faint "Yes. I love you". That was all I needed. I closed my eyes and was finally relieved from this melodrama I've been suffering from these few months. I closed my eyes and laid still, like Sleeping Beauty, waiting for her Prince Philip to come and kiss her back to life. Except this time it wouldn't work. Rain fell on both of us, reminding us of the tears that were shed all this time, and for the last time, he gave me a kiss. A final goodbye kiss.

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