The 'Great' Escape (and imprisonment again)

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Draco's P.O.V

I have to get out of here.

This is all I have thought since I saw Macnair crawling out of that hole in the roof, just when I thought he was gone, he popped his head back through and said:
"You had your chance, kid," shook his head sadly and closed up the hole, leaving me alone in the darkness once again. The only good things that came from his escape are; Voldemort has lost a follower, Macnair has no wand and I don't have to share a cell with a whimpering, quivering mess anymore.

Still, I think to myself, at least you had company, something I haven't had in a long time.

God, I miss Harry.

Just thinking about him creates a dull ache in my chest that, no matter how hard I try, I just can't get rid of.

I need him.

I'd estimate that I've been here for about nine months. That's nine months without Harry. Nine. Months. Without Harry. Hermione. Ron. My Mother. I have no idea what could have happened to any of them.

They could be dead.

No, they couldn't. They aren't. They can't be.
I'm not dead yet so why should they be? No. They're definitely not dead. Not dead.

"Oh Drakey! Drakey, Drakey, Draco-o-o!" Oh no.


"Draco! Guess what?!" She says in her high-pitched chirp, it sounds innocent but I can hear the menace laced into it.

"What is it Auntie?" I sneer. Still got it.
"Crucio!" Thought that was coming. Ouch.
"Don't you ever! Talk! To! Me! Like! That! Again!" She screams, sending pain in my direction after every word. Again, ouch.

This woman, honestly! If I didn't know any better I'd say she was the devil in disguise. Oh right! She is, stupid Draco! She is from hell. Obviously.

"Bye bye Drakykins! Enjoy your dinner!" She skips away, cackling her ass off.

I look down at the 'food' She brought me and see moldy bread, year-old cheese and water filled with bugs and mosquito eggs. Great! This is going to be fun(!)

After a horrible session of forcing the slimy food down my throat and then crawling away from the middle of the room, as far as my chains will allow, to vomit in a corner.

I really need to get out.

It has become a mantra now, a chant in my mind. I want out. I have to get out. I will get out.

For Harry.

So I begin to draw a plan in the dust on the floor. I will target Bellatrix, she will be the easiest to overthrow. When she next comes down here I will hook her ankle to surprise her, thus making her fall and drop her wand, I will then grab it, undo my own chains and tie her up instead. I will then run up the stairs into the kitchen, grab food and go to my room to get clothes, no, I won't, I can get clothes and food with the Order, no need to waste time, then I will Apparate straight to Grimmauld Place. Perfect.

Just as I finish I hear the door being unlocked. Crap. I quickly rub the dust around to erase my plan and try to look tired, even though I am buzzing with ecstasy inside;
Bellatrix. Perfect. Time for action.

I hook her ankle as soon as she walks past me and, as planned, she is surprised so she falls and drops her wand, which rolls towards me and I unlock my shackles.
"Incarcerous." I whisper, pointing the wand at Bellatrix.
"Accio wand." I whisper and my wand comes flying towards me through the basement door. Time to get out of here.

I silently creep up the stairs and place Bellatrix's wand on the work surface, the sunlight blinding me from being underground for so long. Just as I am unlocking the back door I hear a voice and freeze;
"And where do you think you're going?!" Fenrir Greyback.



The next few minutes are a blur. Me, fumbling with the lock on the back door. Greyback, advancing. My father, swooping in like he owns the place, oh yeah! He does. Levitation charms, accios and a kick to the stomach later... I'm back in the basement. 'Where I belong' as my Father put it, because I'm 'blood-traitor scum!' Again, beautifully put by none other than Lucius Malfoy himself.

Okay! Let's not do that again!


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