Macnair's Plan and Escape

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Draco's P.O.V

"Hey kid?!" I hear a whisper from my left. I don't reply.
"Malfoy?!..." He tries again. Still I don't reply.
"Draco, please?!" He pleads.
"Why should I listen to you?" I ask, skeptical.
"Please, kid, he's gonna kill us both if we don't get out of here."
"Still... Why should I listen to you?"
"Because he will not stop until he has answers from you, and as for me... Well... You may as well call me a dead man."
"Why? What were you talking to him about?"
"Letting you go and taking the Mudblood instead." He sighs.
"The Mudblood?! You mean Hermione Granger?! One of my best friends?!"
"Er... Yeah?" He says hesitantly.
"How dare you?!" I shout, unable to my volume and tone of voice. Macnair just whimpers.
"How dare you even think of setting her up for torture?!" I snarl, my pale cheeks tinting red with anger.
"I-I-I..." He stutters, clearly scared of me.
"Don't you ever threaten any of my friends ever again! Do you even know the meaning of the word friend?! Do you know what it's like to have all contact broken with the pers-people that you love?! To have nightmares in the snippets of sleep you get about what could be happening to them right now?! No! You don't! Because you don't have friends! Only fellow deatheaters!"
"Yeah! That's it! Just stutter away to yourself! Don't you ever try to talk to me to save your own skin again! Especially about trying to get me to betray my friends!"
"O-okay Malfoy, I-I get it." He says and then he turns around, curls into a ball and falls into the nightmarish hell that is sleep.

Or so I think...

I roll over so that my back is towards Macnair and fall into a Harry-filled sleep, my back aching and the cold seeping through my clothes from the freezing stone floor.

Tonight, I dream about something different. Normally I dream about Voldemort finding Harry, and, instead of killing him, tortures him for decades, just giving him enough food and water to keep him barely alive. Tonight, though, I dream that I am back in Harry's arms, hugging him, kissing him and... Well, you get the point.

"Yes, Draco?"
"Will you ever stop loving me?" I ask as we lie in bed together, the bewitched ceiling showing us the twinkling stars in the safety of our own home.
"Well, Draco... Can you count the stars for me?"
"Why... I would if I could Harry, but I can't. It's impossible."
"Then that's my answer. It's impossible. I'll love you forever and a day."
"Good, because my love for you is undying, everlasting."
"Now let's get some sleep."

About two hours later I awake, after hearing a loud clatter, I shake Harry awake.
"What is it Draco?" He asks sleepily.
"Did you hear that?"
"Draco, you're paranoid. Go back to sleep."
"No I swear, there was a noise downstairs."
"Alright, I'll go check." He sighs, throwing the blankets off of himself and onto me. He proceeds to put on his socks and turn towards the door.
"Harry, wait."
"What now, Dearest Draco?"
"Here... Armaru-"
"Draco, what're you doing?"
"Shut up... Armarus Maximus... Protego Totalum... Protego Maxima... Protego Horribilis... Disillusionus...Er, I think that's it... You can go now..." The last thing I see of him before he disappears is his brave, kind smile and an excited glint in his eyes, boy, that man, he gets excited at even the tiniest bit of adventure.

About two minutes later he appears in the doorway, he must have taken the disillusionment charm off of himself, because I can see him;

"It was just the cat." He says, smiling.
"We don't have a cat!"
"Hermione asked us to look after Crookshanks remember?!"
"Oh yeah... Sorry Harry..."
"It's okay Draco." The last thing I feel before drifting off is his soft, full, warm lips on mine.
"Goodnight Draco."

Goodnight Harry.

I wake up with a start after hearing that same clattering noise that I heard in my dream, and look around and up just in time to see Macnair, who had broken free of his shackles, clambering out of a hole in the ceiling, thirty feet up- 'of course, he's a deatheater, obviously highly trained in wandless magic, dammit!'- That backstabbing son of a- no, nevermind, I can get out of here on my own. I think...

Harry will get me through this, either I will get out or he will find me, Voldemort can never tear us apart.

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