Chapter 2

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Hansol closed the garage door and faced Soonyoung. "Just wanted to see you, I guess", he said as the other leaned against the garage door. Soonyoung grinned. "What would your mommy say if she knew that?" he asked.

Hansol returned the grin and stepped closer. "I guess she wouldn't be very happy about it", he answered and leaned forward to connect their lips. Soonyoung wrapped both his arms around Hansol's small waist, pulling him closer. The younger's hands tangled in Soonyoung's black hair as their kiss deepened.

"Hansol, dinner is ready!" A female voice called from a distance. The brunette pulled back. "Not hungry, mom", he replied. "Don't be silly. You need to eat!" she called. They could hear footsteps coming down the wooden stairs to the garage.

"Crap...", Hansol cursed under his breath. "Alright, mom. I'll be right up", he gave in. The footsteps stopped. "Hurry before it gets cold", she said. "Seems like you gotta go...", the older stated. Hansol nodded and pulled Soonyoung in for one last short kiss before he went up the stairs.

Soonyoung left the Chois' garage with a grin. If his parents knew that he was dating their archenemies' second son they would probably murder him.

Soonyoung wasn't quite sure when exactly and more importantly why it started but at some point he just couldn't take his eyes off of the younger when he walked through the hallways at school. One day six months ago he couldn't stand admiring the younger from afar anymore so he took a risk and climbed through the younger's bedroom window which was located right across the street from his own. The surprised expression on Hansol's face was priceless and the way he reacted when Soonyoung kissed him was still a vivid memory on his mind.

Nobody knew about their relationship, not even their friends. If Hansol's family found out Mr. Choi would most likely take the shotgun Hansol had told him about and shoot Soonyoung mercilessly. The raven-haired boy remembered his own father saying that if a member of his family ever got involved with a Choi he'd beat them both to death.

Telling his family was out of the question but he felt bad about keeping such an important part of his life from his best friends, Seokmin and Wonwoo. The two were always honest with him and he was keeping a secret for six months.

He kept walking through the neighborhood for a bit longer until he decided to head home. He went straight upstairs without warming up his leftover dinner. The lights were on in the other room across the street. He saw Hansol on his computer with his older brother sitting on the desk. They seemed to be talking about something funny as they were both laughing.

Soonyoung continued to watch Hansol's figure through their windows for a little while. He did that a lot, watching the younger study or play video games. Sometimes Hansol would catch him staring and he'd either respond by taking off his shirt to tease him because it "suddenly got too hot in the room" or by doing silly stuff that made Soonyoung laugh.

There were two sides to Hansol that he didn't show to just anybody. To people who didn't know him he might seem like a spoiled rich brat but Soonyoung knew that he'd rather trade all of his family's money in return for peace between their two families.

To Soonyoung, Hansol was being either an adorkable cutie or a cocky little shit. He loved both sides and he wanted nothing more than to be open about that love. A knock on the doormade him tear his gaze from his boyfriend and look at the person who had entered his room. It was his older sister Nayoung.

"Soonyoung, mom wants to know whether she should warm up dinner for you. I just got home so we could eat together", she suggested. "I'm not really hungry, noona", Soonyoung replied. Nayoung nodded.

"Hey, is dad still in a bad mood because of work?" He asked her. "Yeah, these damn Chois really love to piss us off, don't they?!" Nayoung said with a hateful expression. Soonyoung cleared his throat. "I guess they do...", he replied.

Nayoung looked out of the window where she spotted the Choi brothers across the street in Hansol's room. "Man, you really got it bad, huh. You probably have to look at that little brat every day...", she said sypathetically.

"It's fine. I'm used to it...I can just ignore him...", Soonyoung replied. Nayoung looked at him and then back at Hansol across the street. "Good. You know what dad would do if you did anything else, right?" Soonyoung nodded. He knew that all to well.

"Anyway, I'll go and tell mom that you're not having dinner", Nayoung said and left the room. Soonyoung sighed. Sometimes he wished that Hansol wasn't a Choi and that he wasn't a Kwon so this stupid, cliché forbidden-love bullshit could end. Even though it had a certain thrill to it in the beginning it was tiring to hide your relationship for this long...

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