Chapter 5

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After dinner Soonyoung was about to head upstairs while his parents washes the dishes in the kitchen when Nayoung spoke up: "I know", she said. Her younger brother turned around and lifted a brow. "What do you know, noona?"

"About your boyfriend", she said matter-of-factly. Soonyoung's eyes widened for a second before he started stammerimg. "I-I don't know what you mean..." Nayoung motioned for him to follow her upstairs.

She led him to her room and closed the door. "You can stop pretending", she said. Soonyoung sighed and slumped his shoulders. He knew he couldn't get out of this situation. Once Nayoung was on to something she wouldn't let it go until she figured it out completely.

"Alright, did you find out?" Soonyoung asked. Nayoung sat down on her desk. "I saw you. A few weeks ago I came into your room and I saw you through his window. I always thought I sensed something between you two but I could only confirm it back then. So, you're sleeping with the enemy, huh?"

Soonyoung was more than just a bit surprised at his sister's explanation. But he felt like he needed to make it clear how serious he was about Hansol. "I'm not just sleeping with him. I'm not with him to be rebellious. I love him...", he admitted.

"I know. That's one of the reasons why I'm not giving you away. I saw your face earlier when dad said all those things. And besides, this whole feud thing is beyond ridiculous...", Nayoung explained. "Just make sure to keep it a secret. If dad finds out he'll kill you", she advised her little brother. Soonyoung sighed. "I just don't know how much longer I can keep this up...", he told her. "How long has it been anyway?" Nayoung questioned.

"It's been six months...", Soonyoung said. Nayoung stared back at him. "Six months?!" she exclaimed, causing her brother to shush her because he really didn't want their parents to hear them.

" did you manage to keep it a secret for so long?" Nayoung asked, still in shock. "It wasn't easy but we both know what will happen if our parents find out...", he said with a shrug. "I gotta say, I admire you, little brother. Mom and Dad have no idea", she replied. "And I'd like for it to stay that way but I'll come clean some day..."


Soonyoung's parents were invited to the same wine testing event as the Chois. They decided to take Nayoung with them and they'd also asked Soonyoung. He'd declined, though, claiming that he'd only be bored there since he didn't like wine anyway.

As soon as his parents left he stormed to his bedroom window to wait for the Chois to leave as well. When they did he hurried downstairs before he left the house and crossed the street until he reached the tree that would lead him straight to Hansol's room.

He climbed up, careful not to slip on the ice that had spread due to thr cold winter air. When he reached the second floor he openes Hansol's window and slithered through. He found his boyfriend sitting by the computer, turning around at the soft thud on the floor.

"You do know that you can use the front door when my parents aren't here, right? Hansol joked. Soonyoung shrugged and let himself fall on his boyfriend's bed backwards. "Where's the fun in that?" he questioned.

Hansol chuckled and got up from his chair to join Soonyoung on the bed. "My sister knows about ud...", he said as the he rested his arms around Hansol's shoulders while he used the older as a pillow.

Hansol lifted his head and stared back at Soonyoung in shock. "How did she find out?" he questioned. The older nodded in the direction of the window. "She saw us from over there", he said. "But she's not going to say anything...I didn't know that she's also not very fond of that whole feud thing", he added.

"I don't know what my brother would do if he found out about us...", Hansol replied with a sigh. "I mean he's always pretty quiet when my parents talk about your family and he works for your dad." "Maybe he'd react the same...", Soonyoung said. "I'm not sure if I want to find out just like that...", the younger answered.

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