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The lights shine on everyone and everything at all hours of the day. There is no way to avoid them, day or night. The spotlights shine on every street and corner of the city. Spotlights shine on the base of the surrounding walls.  It’s all part of the city’s patrol to keep the shadows at bay. Its not the empty darkness of the shadows that worry everyone in our city, it’s the creatures that live in them that we fear. 

The shadowmen, it’s such a simplistic word for what they are. They are humans like us, turned into a shadow. They hold the shape of what they were, but they are jet black and nearly impossible to see let alone touch. The only thing that gives them away in complete darkness is their glowing green eyes.

 When any living thing is killed by a shadowmen, they are turned into one as well, cursed to roam the world, forever lingering in the shadows.  One detail everyone forgets to say is that no one is every killed by a shadowmen in the light, only in the darkness. If someone falls victim to the shadows they could die in less than a second, that’s why no one passes the city walls unauthorized. It’s basically suicide.

Unless you are a shadowhunter, a highly trained shadowmen killer, they are a rare and highly esteemed clan in this city. Joining their ranks is difficult. To be recruited is nearly impossible. Whether you asked to join, or they asked you to join, everyone is put through a harsh test of strength and wit to even be examined as a possibility. 

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