I went over to collect my Stuff with the girls i grabbed one of the big and heavy ones i carried it in when i got back out these boys?? was there and the White haired boy woke up i was confused but i didn't care the two boys one with sandy blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes and one with cute brown hair and dreamy blue eyes they tried to pick up my sofa together but it was to heavy i giggled and went over to them i asked "Need help?" they Laughed a lot " You pick this up i don't think so" The brown haired boy said I asked " Wanna bet?" The brown haired boy agreed every one stared at us i said " You ready" he nodded i grabbed the sofa and picked it up every one looked at me surprised except Katelyn she started crying with laughter. I walked out i win the bet i smirked at him and blushed the boys looked at me blushing i giggled.
The Brown Haired boy Pov:
I scoffed under breath i knew she could not pick the sofa up but i was wrong i was speechless my Jaw dropped along with every one else except Katelyn she was laughing alot!
One hour later
Your Pov:
We all got settled down and i introduced myself to to boys they stared at me blushing A Dark blue haired Boy with matching eyes introduced himself to me " Hi im Dante" He said energetically He smiled and Blushed and I smiled The next boy was a blonde haired he stuttered " I..i.m G..G..A..r..r..r..oth" He said blushing a dark red I blushed a bit but hid it the next boy was embarrassed because of loosing the bet he muttered " Im Laurence..." I smiled and blushed a shade of red he saw and started blushing.Then the white haired boy came up I muttered "why him!" The boys heard except the boy with white hair the boys giggled quietly the white haired boy said " Hey Gorgeous im Travis" I rolled my eyes and then i felt some one grab my ... butt.. i did my first thought i knocked Travis out the boys muttered "Travis your dead" Then there was a knock on the door i dragged my feet over to the door and opened it i was greeted by a boy with a red mask he had no shirt! I said " Thanks for the welcoming and invited him in" all the boys stared at him I asked him what he was called he replied "Aaron" I said im "(Y/N)" He smiled and blushed a dark red i smiled and blushed a light pink no one saw It was 9:30 I was tired as i told every one i was going to bed and they all left except Aphmau and Travis he snuck into my basement and no one saw Aphmau said " Have a good night (Y/N) I replied " I will Aphmau" and she left. I headed upstairs and put my pj's on it was pretty cute pj's (XD i had to XD)
Your Pjs
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When i got dressed i heard some one creeping up my stairs i hid under my covers the person climbed into my bed with me and took the covers off and then and hugged me. I looked up and saw it was Travis I slapped him but he asked " (Y/N) Can i sleep here tonight" i stuttered " Huh..." There was a knock at the door i ran down stairs and opened it to find The boys standing there they asked me if Travis is here i whispered "hes upstairs he snuck up i didn't know he was their until he got in my bed Laurence Yelled " YOUR BED!" the boys except Garroth stormed up there i hugged Garroth and quickly broke the hug. He was red then Laurence and Dante came down holding Travis I giggled so did the boys.