Your phone goes off like mental Groaning " Wut.. is this?.."
Y= (Y/N).
A = Hey (N/N).
Y = Hi whats up?
A= We are having a pool party and a sleep over wanna come?
Y= Yes When?
A= 1 Hour.
Y= OK see you then.
Finished texting
Screams YESSS
Your Pjs in your (F/C)
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Bikini In your (F/C)
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I Packed up and it was time to go it was hard choosing I took my stuff over and Every one was at the pool i went to speak with Aphmau she said " Go get dressed in my room" i smiled and ran up i was so scared but i put it on and went down stairs i headed to the pool i was scared i was bright red blushing all the boys stared at me i walked over to the pool and was pushed in by Katelyn I swam to the surface and pulled Katelyn in I laughed Laurence swam under me and stood up with me on his shoulders I screamed " LAURENCE PUT ME DOWN!" "OK." he said and lifted my legs up making me fall backwards into the water i hit my head at the bottom of the pool i fainted i heard some one dive in and then i felt some one pick me up about 30 mins later i woke up i was surrounded by my friends and some one i never met i got up and asked "What happend?" Aphmau Replied " You hit your head in the pool" i looked round and i could not see Laurence. all of a sudden he walked in and gave me a hug whispering to me "im so sorry.." i whispered back "its OK" i got up and went up to put my pj's on every one was down stairs waiting for me i was scared to go down so Katelyn picked me up over her shoulder " KATELYN!" i yelled Katelyn Yelled " (Y/N) Your coming down! i was muttering random stuff under breath The boys stared at me and Travis smirked cutely. I walked into the kitchen while the girls was arguing about what to watch Travis followed me into the kitchen Laurence grabbed him and went back into the front room some one ran up behind me and picked me up i screamed but no one heard because of all the arguing i turned round and saw this man with black hair a mask over his mouth and dreamy blue eyes "Who are you?!?" i asked in shock "Im Zane" he said blushing under his mask "need help with the food?" Zane Said I nodded *i picked up the food and Zane helped everyone stared at us i served every one and Zane helped I walked to the back of the room and sat down with my blanket nobody noticed all of a sudden a dog runs and punched on me i screamed every one looks at me i giggled " who's dog is this Shes so CUTE!" Aphmau raised her hand Kawaii~Chan sneaked out the room no one noticed i followed her down into the basement i poked kawaii~Chan's back she jumped " (Y/N)~Senpai don't scare me again she said looking scared i giggled and saw a big shrine i looked with my eyes wide open it had me and nearly every boy on there I yelled " KAWAII~CHAN!" Everybody heard and ran down the boys blushed and thought i do love her i need to confess to her soon. I ran out the room and ran into Katelyn's room and run into her closet crying I muttered "i love them all i don't want to pick who i like the most". the closet door opens and i see Dante he bends down and kisses me saying "it will be ok" I blushed Bright red he smiled i smiled we went down stairs i sat in between Laurence and Garroth Travis sat in front of me on the floor The girls sat on chairs I Yawned and Ran upstairs into Aphmau's room Katelyn follows me along with Garroth and Laurence. Aphmau and Aaron and Zane Went in Katelyn's room Kawaii~chan went in Her room with Dante and Travis
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok this was a bit long hehe