The Important Story

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"Grandfather?" The boy said quietly, "Will you tell me that story? The one you said you'd tell me when I grew older." The boy was practically bouncing at this point. He had been waiting many years to hear this magnificent story.

The grandfather poured them both a cup of tea and sat down at the beautiful wooden table. "Are you sure you want to hear that story? You still seem a bit too young." He took a sip of the tea, already knowing he'd have to tell the story anyway.

"I'm 15 grandfather, I believe I'm not that young." The boy was trying his best to convince his grandpa to tell the story. All of his siblings told him it was a wonderful story of adventure and he really wanted to hear it.

"Okay, okay." said the old man as he stood to go get a book. He sat back down and flipped delicately through the pages. "Here we go. The story that has been told to all your siblings will now be told to you." He smiled.
"It was a nice evening to go out for a walk. Everyone was having a wonderful time, though there was much fun that night, there was one girl who was ready to end it all."

The boy listened intently, this wasn't at all what he had expected to hear.

"She was going to meet a boy she had talked to online about everything, and they were going to die together with no regrets. You see, the girl was going through a lot, she had found out her mom was cheating on her dad and she  took photos, put them in an envelope, and mailed them to her dad. Nothing had changed after that, they still stayed the happy family that they were. The girl wasn't taking the pain very well, she had friends online at the time and one of them was very concerned for her. He would listen to it all and he would share his pain too. One day they both agreed to meet and end all their suffering."

The boy wasn't pleased with hearing this, "Grandfather? Is this going to be a sad story? It doesn't sound like the adventurous one that Dika was telling me about." All the grandfather did was hold up one finger and smile as he continued to turn the page.

"It was that very nice evening she went out to meet him. There she walked, all alone, she stopped at their meeting spot and waited a few minutes for his arrival. "Miss Gabrielle Taylor?" The man questioned. The girl simply nodded, "Are you Grayson?" The man offered a hand out and said, "Yes, that's me. I have a couple more people that wanted to join us, I hope that's not a problem." The girl didn't care one bit."

The grandfather stopped for a moment, drinking a sip of his tea and gently sitting the glass cup back down.

"They started walking towards a van. All alarms were going off in the girls head, yet she ignored them. They reached the van as the man said the coast was clear, before the girl what was happening she was being kidnapped. One thing the kidnappers didn't know is that the coast wasn't completely clear." The boy gasped at the turn of events, as the grandfather read on.

"She eventually passed out. The driver stopped the car once they reached a parking garage. "When do you think the guy will get here? We get paid an extra 40% since it's a girl in her teens." The driver was saying, then they all heard it. The sound of another vehicle echoed through the entire garage. Two of them got out of the car, assuming it was the man they were supposed to meet. This however, was not the man they were meeting, it was a woman. One of them called out, trying to warn her to back away, "Hey, sweetcheeks, scram before we have to crack your pretty little head open." The woman said nothing and walked closer to them, every step she took they took one back. "Give me the girl." The woman said powerfully. The men both said no and tried to attack her."

The boy was on the edge of his seat, the tea was long forgotten. Many thoughts were going through his head, he loved the twist yet he was frightened for the girl. His grandfather saw this out of the corner of his eyes and smiled at the sight.

"The woman kicked the men, breaking a few bones here and there. She took all three of them down and the girl was slowly waking up. The woman explained everything that had happened to the girl. All the girl did was nod, the woman offered to give her a ride and the girl agreed. They had stopped in front of a tall building, the girl was very confused. "Someone wants to speak with you, he's on the roof. Good bye." The woman drove off as the girl walked closer to the building. She entered and stepped inside the elevator, going to the top floor and out the door on to the roof."

The boy interrupted, "Who wanted to meet her?!?" He was practically laying on the table like a child, with his legs in the air crossed and his head in his hands. The grandfather looked at the boy and chuckled.

"There was the real person she was supposed to meet. She walked closer to him, being cautious of him. "It's nice to meet you, Gabrielle." He smiled and shook her hand. She glared at him but then she hugged him. He didn't hug back, he stood there staring straight ahead. "I-it was so terrifying. I was kidnapped!" As she said this, he began to laugh. She was very confused. "Ah, you see, I set up the entire thing. The kidnapping, the rescuing, I planned it all." She had tears in her eyes as she heard this. He walked her to the edge of the building.  "Look down at that, do you see the blood splatters? Tell me, Gabrielle, you were ready to commit suicide tonight, correct?" She nodded her head. "Then how is it, that when you got kidnapped you wanted nothing more than to live? I watched it all happen. I saw the fear in your eyes, yet you just gave up. So tell me, you were ready to die yet you were scared to die when you were kidnapped? I guess that just really shows you don't really want to die." She hung her head low as her fists clenched in anger. He watched her intently as she just stood there on the edge of the roof, he backed away from her. "If you still want to die, just jump off." She knew this is what he wanted, and he knew that this is what she was going to do. So she jumped."

The boy frowned, "She died? Just like that?" He was getting ready to get up. "That's not the end of it, maybe you should listen to all of it." His grandfather said with a smile. After his grandfather said this, the boy laid back down.

"She was falling off the roof waiting to feel a thud, but she didn't know that someone else was walking by at the exact moment. The person who was walking saw the girl falling, and he caught her in time before she could seriously hurt herself. Ever since that moment the girl fell in love with the boy who caught her. They eventually got married and they lived a happy peaceful life." As the grandfather closed the book, the boy was astounded.
Then the boy was slightly confused, "Why is that story so important to our family?" He carefully sat himself back down in the chair awaiting for an answer.

The grandfather smiled touching the book, "It's important because that's how I met your grandmother."

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