"What are you going to do?" Samantha asked quietly.
"I don't know," I replied, "I just don't know."
"You don't really believe all that do you?" she laughed nervously.
"I know I shouldn't believe all that nonsense, but I don't want to take the chance, you know?" I explained.
"Well, we should wash it and see if that helps," she suggested.
"Haven't you been listening? This dress has been cursed, all right? The dress has been cursed by some witch doctor or something. Washing it isn't going to help, understand?" I breathed.
"Maybe you could take it to an exorcist or something," she snorted.
"Do you know how much those things cost?" I asked loudly.
"No, but we could ask, couldn't we?" she snapped.
"We can ask, but we got to do it right quick; the dance is tomorrow night," I gave in.

Gum on the Sidewalk
FantasyJust a story I wrote in Junior High. It is a compilation of dreams I've had, with parts added, so it won't make much sense. I've tried to write it to make sense as best as I could. A little adventure, a little romance. No sex in this one.