Epilogue: Ten Years Later...

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Well, that's the end, folksMy adventure turned out for the bestThere were few unfortunate events along the way, but that's what makes life grandAs for me, I'm living the dream.

"Honey?  Have you seen my lucky hat?  I can't watch the game until I find my hat," Daniel called.

"No, dear, and in the last three years of being married, have you ever mentioned needing that hat?" I replied.  I heard a few thuds and looked up from my chopping.  He walked into the kitchen to where I was standing and frowned.

"Yes, I have.  Now where is it?" he demanded.

I sidled up to him and gave him a kiss, saying:

"Dear, can't you, for one measly little minute, let me forget that we are going into the basement, in which your cousin Chris's has been living since we've been married, to watch a football game with your parents?  I hate football," I counted on my fingers, "I dislikeyour parents immensely and to top it all off, I really don't want to watch Chris and Samantha kiss and cuddle the whole time," I informed him.

He faked a cry.  "I just wanted to spend more time with you, my parents, Chris and Samantha alone.  Is that really so much to ask of you?" he added before I could interrupt, "So what if we're watching football?  You love me and that's all that really matters to me."

I pretended to feel sorry for him and said, "Nice try, Bud, but you won't get me that easily.  And by the way, if we're with, like you said, Samantha, Chris, and your parents, we're not really alone."

Samantha and Chris had met and were now dating, but wasn't quite used to it, yetThey had also been living in our basement since Daniel and got marriedDaniel and had twin girls named Olivia and Veronica, and another on the wayDaniel liked to pretend that he didn't like living in house full of females, but knew different.  Besides, he always had Chris for male companionship, until kicked him out, and our dog, Larry.

As we descended into the basement, we heard cheers from everyone and a smooch as Chris kissed Samantha.  I thought it was because we had brought food, there was no way the game had gotten started, yet.  As it turned out, the game had started and our favorite team had just scored a touchdown.  I smiled and star down with my newfound friends, unwanted relatives, the kids, and my husband and I thought about what a nice story this would make.

I sat down that night, after everyone had either left or gone to bed, and started in on that book that was to be called Gum on the Sidewalk.  I chose the title because it perfectly described my journey.  When you walk down the sidewalk and step in sticky bubble gum, it sticks to your shoe and it's gross, and you don't want to touch it to get it off.  So, your trying to keep moving and forget about it, but it just keeps hanging on and won't leave.  Anyway, you're trying to get somewhere, but it just keeps holding you back, like the obstacles I encountered on my journey.

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